Britt’s School Summary: Spring 2020

Britt’s School Summary: Spring 2020 Man! I’m even MORE bitter looking over Britt’s report card than I was Kye’s…she only missed TWO days of school the ENTIRE school year. If you have been here long…

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Family Recap: May 2020

Family Recap: May 2020 Our stay at home orders ended at the end of April and life instantly returned to normal! …just kidding… Zach continued to be unable to work until about mid-May and I…

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Our Disney Trip May 2020 – Minus the Disney

Our Disney Trip May 2020 – Minus the Disney Can I say I’m SO GLAD I didn’t set a goal of visiting Disney World every month in 2020? Glad I knocked out that goal in…

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How to Stop Baby or Toddler From Sucking Fingers

Weaning from Finger Sucking: How to Help Child Stop Sucking Fingers Babies frequently seek comfort in objects. Maybe it’s a special blanket. Maybe it’s a pacifier. Maybe it’s their thumb. Or maybe it’s random fingers.…

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Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2020

Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2020 Spear’s adoption was finalized on May 14th 2018. We decided that we’d like to always recognize this day as a family and celebrate it in some small way together.…

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