New Year’s Eve 2019

New Year’s Eve 2019 We always spend the holidays at home and it’s always a special time together! We’ve started a tradition over the years of having a large fancy dinner for New Year’s. The…

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Monthly Family Recap: December 2019

Monthly Family Recap: December 2019 A lot of our December was spent gearing up for the holiday season so be sure to read all about that fun here! This is the first family recap post…

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Britt’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Britt’s School Summary: Fall 2019 Britt is thriving in second grade! She ADORES her teachers and has several sweet friends in her class. They do not yet do grades but she is either at the…

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Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019 You can see our Core Crew Christmas here! On the 24th we head over to Zach’s parents house for the day and night. For several years the guys played in the Cat Creek…

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Our Core Crew Christmas 2019

Our Core Crew Christmas 2019. I say it every year but our Core Crew Christmas is my FAVORITE day of the entire year! In case you’re new here, we spend the night every year on…

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