Britt’s 8th Disney Bday: Disney Springs Day
Britt’s 8th Disney Bday: Disney Springs Day The year that Spear joined our family (2017) we spent a LOT of time in Florida waiting out the clearance to be allowed to cross the state line…
View PostBritt’s 8th Disney Bday: Disney Springs Day The year that Spear joined our family (2017) we spent a LOT of time in Florida waiting out the clearance to be allowed to cross the state line…
View PostBritt’s 8th Birthday Slideshow The one who made my dreams of having a daughter come true 💕 She’s our kid who inherited Daddy’s “naturally good at everything they try” trait, the girl whose light shines…
View PostSpear’s 2nd Birthday Party! Last year for Spear’s first birthday party we had the party on his actual birthday, December 1st. It all worked out fine but we had all of our Christmas decorations out…
View PostCelebrating My 35th Birthday! I feel like 35 is kinda a big deal? I mean dude I’m MID-30s now. RIGHT?! This year Zach and I decided to take the entire year off from giving gifts…
View PostMonthly Family Recap: October 2019 This post is all about our month of October 🙂 A few things about me this month! I’m such a SLACKER and haven’t been to book club in a few…
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