End of Month Recap: June 2019

End of month recap: June 2019 This post is going to cover the second half of our June! Missed the first half of the month? Be sure to read this post! Kye checked in at…

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Mid-Month Recap: June 2019

Mid-Month Recap: June 2019 Typically in the summers I do weekly posts but this summer I really didn’t want to deal with that as I had a pretty set game plan for our daily routine…

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Father’s Day 2019

Father’s Day 2019. Both of our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations were a bit “off” this year. With our Mother’s Day celebration we had Britt’s exhibition and with Father’s Day Zach’s Aunt Cheryl got…

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Girl Morning at Epcot: Our First Visit to Akershus Royal Banquet Hall

Girl Morning at Epcot: Our First Visit to Akershus Royal Banquet Hall Zach’s family headed home the morning of June 10th but when the family trip got planned we decided to add on an extra…

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Our First Visit to Sea World Orlando

Our First Visit to Sea World Orlando. We are really trying to organize our travel this summer in a way that we aren’t traveling two consecutive weekends in a row if at all possible. We…

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