Monthly Family Recap: April 2019

Our Family Recap from April of 2019. This month we kicked things off with our Spring Break trip to Great Wolf Lodge! When we got home from GWL I kept things pretty chill the rest…

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Easter 2019

Easter 2019. Many years we do a TON at Easter time. So. Many. Egg. Hunts. This year wasn’t a year where we ended up doing a whole lot of Easter themed things. We went to…

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Hollywood Studios Afternoon – April 2019 (AKA The Sunscreen Cluster)

Last Updated on May 11, 2019Hollywood Studios Afternoon – April 2019 (AKA The Sunscreen Cluster) After our big kid morning at Magic Kingdom we had a fun evening planned for Hollywood Studios. We don’t typically…

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Magic Kingdom Morning – April 2019

Magic Kingdom Morning – April 2019. After our beach day we had to have a Disney day 😉 I have this crazy goal of visiting Disney once a month for this whole year…and I’m on…

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Spear’s First Visit to Satellite Beach

Spear’s First Visit to Satellite Beach. Something that is very important to me is that each of my baby’s have their first beach day at the beach where I was born: Satellite Beach, Florida. I…

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