Britt’s 7th Birthday

On December 6th our precious baby girl turned SEVEN! We celebrated her birthday at Disney World over the week of Thanksgiving but still made sure to make her real birthday special too 🙂  Last year…

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Family Photos: Dec 2018

For Spear’s 1 year photos and Britt’s 7 year photos we met up with Lindsay from Captured by Colson. Living in South Georgia we are used to HEAT. We are used to sweating in family…

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Spear’s 1st Birthday Party

Spear’s first birthday party was on Saturday December 1st at 3:30 pm. I love a 3:30 start time for a party, especially with little ones. It’s right after nap time so they are fresh and…

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Spear’s 1st Birthday

Spear’s first birthday (December 1st) fell on a Saturday and it happened to be the same day that we had his birthday party. This was my first experience with a first birthday being the same…

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Spear Summary of Month 12

This post is a summary of Spear’s 12th month of life – it covers the entire month of November and he was 11 months old this month.  Eating:  This month we introduced organic whole milk.…

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