August Monthly Summary: Kye, Britt and Tess

Rather than do individual monthly posts for August, I’m doing all three big kids in one post. I’m a stickler for chronological order which I know isn’t “fair” to always do everything oldest to youngest…

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Family Fun: August 2018

Now that summer is over we’re back to the monthly recaps! Our last week of summer summary did trickle over into August so that weeks post goes along with this monthly recap too 🙂  Saturday…

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Back to School 2018

Back to school really crept up on us quick this year! I had a lot of guilt last school year for my lack of involvement. With our adoption and having a new baby it was…

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Zach’s 34th Birthday

Zach’s birthday falls at a tricky time of the year as it’s always also the first day of school. Now that he has MS? It’s worked out to be even trickier because it also falls around the…

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Summer Recap 2018: Week 10

This post covers our last week of summer! From July 30th – August 4th. Tess had her last night of being three and celebrated turning FOUR this week! Kids are so funny with how literally…

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