Spear Summary of Month 8

This is a summary of Spear’s 8th Month of life from July 1st – July 31st. He was 7 months old during this month. Eating:We completed his first 30 days of solid foods and you…

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Tess’s 4th Birthday

The day after we got back from Disney was Tess’s 4th Birthday! Four years ago she entered our lives and has filled them with such joy everyday since! So thankful for this sweet girl and…

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Tess Disney Bday: Toy Story Land and Hollywood and Vine

Y’all! If you LOVE DISNEY then you will LOVE the Giveaway I’m part of over on Instagram! Check it out HERE!!! We finished out Tess’s birthday celebration at Disney with an early morning at Hollywood…

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Tess Disney Birthday: Daddy Day at MK

When we purchased our Disney Home (you can read about our decision here!) we decided to have the kids celebrate their birthdays at Disney rather than have a hardcore party. Something we came up with…

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Tess Disney Birthday: Magic Kingdom Morning

On Tess’s Disney Birthday celebration she visited Magic Kingdom three mornings in a row haha but it just happened to work out that way with our planning! We had our princess morning for her, our…

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