Summer Recap 2018: Week 6

Our 5th week of summer we were at the BEACH! So this recap is our week after the beach – week 6 of summer which covers Sunday July 8th through Friday July 13th! Kye really…

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St Augustine: End of Trip

We had another non-beach day on the 5th of July! Zach and Kye started off the day meeting up with a friend of Zach’s to go golfing while the girls, Spear and I enjoyed some…

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Family Photos – July 2018

When we have a new baby we take family pictures pretty regularly. I like to have them during birth, newborn, three months, six months, nine months and at 12 months. Yeah it’s a lot but…

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St Augustine: 3rd and 4th

On the 3rd we wanted to enjoy another full day at the beach! We had a solid routine in place where Zach would go set up the beach stuff first thing in the morning and…

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St Augustine: Putt Putt and Old Town

The past couple of summers during our beach trip we’ve been VERY YOLO. We didn’t know when we’d add another baby so we lived it UP the entire week. We did a LOT because we could.…

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