St Augustine: Spear’s First Beach Day

Our annual beach trip to St Augustine is one of our favorite family vacations! We usually try to go to another beach at some point during the year. All of my babies have had their…

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Spear Summary of Month 7

This is a summary of Spear’s 7th month of life which spanned the entire month of June. He was 6 months old during this month! Eating: Well. The day arrived. It was truly time for me…

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Meeting Up With Mama E (Spear’s Birth Family)

I started writing about our meet-up with some of Spear’s biological family as part of his monthly update post for his 7th month of life and realized I just had WAY too much to say…

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Summer Recap 2018: Week 4

Have you entered the big giveaway yet? Don’t forget! It ends Monday Night…click here to enter 🙂  Our summer has been IN-SANE yall. We were gone so much that the “weekly posts” are all going…

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Father’s Day 2018

Father’s Day was very off this year which I feel so bad about but when Zach and his dad planned the Ireland trip they scheduled it where it fell over Father’s Day. I really wasn’t…

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