Britt School Work: Spring 2018

This year Britt made the big switch from preschool to kindergarten! She went to school all day rather than half day and rode the bus and ate lunch at school and basically just had a…

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Last Day of School 2018

All of the kids had a great year this school year! As a mama I had a good bit of “mommy guilt” this year as with us getting matched with Mama E right after school…

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Spear’s Adoption Finalization – Team Parker is COMPLETE!

Since the day Mama E signed over her parental rights (On December 3rd!) we’ve been in the post placement phase of Spear’s adoption. You can read what this stage of the process is all about…

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Mother’s Day 2018

This year we had a pretty full schedule the weekend of actual Mother’s Day so we celebrated the Saturday prior as a family. With a new baby at home we had to keep things pretty…

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Spear Summary of Month 5

This post covers Spear’s entire 5th month of life which was the full month of April. He was 4 months old during this month! Sleep: Life is SO GOOD on the 4 hour schedule! Straight Heaven…

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