Spring Break Disney Springs

We kicked off the day with Kye thanking us for totally splitting up the kids from their attempted sleepover the night prior. He was cracking me up about how thankful he was that I made…

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Spring Break MK Day 2

Our original intent on our trip was to go to the BEACH over Spring Break! Buttttt it was just too chilly. So we had literally NO PLANS since our beach day got washed. We saw…

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Spring Break MK and AK Day 1

When we first purchased our Disney Vacation Rental Home we planned to go for Spring Break. I mean it just makes sense! Why not use the house for the week and have a chill family…

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Easter 2018

Every year we have SO MANY Easter events! I feel like we do more at Easter than we do Christmas! Even with a newborn this year we will did so much and had such a…

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Spear Summary of Month 4

This is the first monthly summary post for Spear! I finished up his weekly summary posts with his 13th week which happened to end on March 1st so this post picks up from there and…

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