Britt Monthly Summary: March 2018

All about Britt from March! Britt had an egg hunt at her school this month for Easter. I felt super bad I couldn’t be there but it was the same day as Kye’s field trip…

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Family Photos March 2018

Hope you guys LOVE seeing photos of our family because when we have a new baby we get professional images done pretty often. It’s C-RAZY to me that this is our last season of having…

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Kye’s 9th Birthday

Kye’s birthday fell on a Sunday this year which is a little tricky with church and everything! When we started talking about his party and making it a smaller guest list he asked if Colt…

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Kye’s 9th Birthday Party

Want all the details on the Star Wars party decor and food? Be sure to visit this post! Kye was SO beyond excited for his birthday party! The week leading up to the event he…

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Big Kid Summary: February 2018

We had such a busy February that the kids didn’t actually do a whole lot individually and I can’t justify doing individual summary posts this month (plus I have this hardcore goal of catching up…

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