Big Kid Club – Hollywood Studios Afternoon

We headed back to the house for some hardcore SLEEP then had big plans to hit the park late into the night! I had a plan to do something we’ve never done before and it’s…

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Britt Monthly Summary: January 2018

The theme of this month for Britt was dealing with her TEETH. Whew. The day Spear and I came home from our ICPC stay in Florida Britt and Tess were running around and bumped into…

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Family Fun: January 2018

The newborn days of life are tough for many reasons (mainly the lack of SLEEP) but I always look back on these days with such fond memories. They are filled with LOTS and LOTS of…

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Spear’s Week 9 Summary

This is a summary of Spear’s 9th week of life from Friday January 26th through Thursday February 1st. He was 8 weeks old during this week! Feeding: I continued to do a bit of tweaking this…

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Britt School Work: Fall 2017

Britt started kindergarten this year! It’s been a new experience for our family as Kye attended kindergarten in a half-day setting at the same place he attended preschool. Britt was excited and eager to be…

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