Snow Day in South Georgia

Back in 2014 we got SUPER EXCITED because it was supposed to snow. The kids didn’t have school, we had all sorts of snow activities planned. We were PUMPED. And then super, mega disappointed when…

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2017 In Pictures

Each year since I started blogging I have a few “blogging traditions” to end the year on! One of them is doing a recap post covering our entire year with favorite moments, photos, and posts…

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New Year’s Eve 2017

Every year we have a family meal on NYE and enjoy it together. This year we decided to up our family tradition game and make it a fancy feast. We all got dressed up and…

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Family Fun: December 2017

December was SO FULL (clearly since it’s taken me this long to blog about it ha!) and I decided to do a combo post rather than having a summary post for each kid I’m just…

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Spear’s Newborn Photos

I’m so, so appreciative to Lindsay from Captured by Colson for being so flexible with us regarding our newborn session for Spear. With his unknown due date, long stay in Florida and being so close…

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