Christmas 2017

In the past couple of years we’ve all been pretty easy going on when we wake up Christmas morning to open gifts, but when Zach and I have a new baby…we getting pretty hardcore about…

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Christmas Eve 2017

As I mentioned last post we go to Zach’s parents’s house every year on Christmas Eve and spend the night. It’s been a long standing traditions that spans generations. Typically every year there is a…

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Core Crew Christmas 2017

I do a little rehash about this every year but when we got married Zach was hardcore about spending every Christmas Eve at his parent’s house. It’s a multigenerational tradition and it was important to…

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Britt’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Zach writes a letter to each of our kids on their birthdays 🙂 Here’s his letter to Britt! Britt,      It is hard to believe you are only 6 years old. It seems like…

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Britt’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

Each year Zach and I write birthday letters to each of our children. I go through and find all the photos of us alone with the birthday child to include in our letters. I think…

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