First Weekend as 6

Spear and I left Ben and Liz’s house and headed to Target! I gave him his bottle in the Starbucks there (SO jealous of these super fancy Target’s with Starbucks in them) and then did…

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Britt’s Birthday Slideshow

Typically I post the kids’ birthday slideshow on the blog on their actual birthdays…When Mama E went into labor with Spear I felt SO guilty that I hadn’t been on the ball about Britt’s slideshow…

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Britt’s 6th Birthday!

To celebrate Britt’s birthday this year we went to Disney back in October. We had planned a Disney trip in November for her but once we got matched with Mama E we thought it’d be…

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Meeting Spear

I will go ahead and get my big regret moment out of the way right at the start. Neither Zach or I thought to ask a nurse to come in and video tape the kids…

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Britt Monthly Summary: November 2017

This was an exciting month for Britt! It was her last month being 5 and it didn’t disappoint! Britt had her first loose tooth and yall. She was OBSESSED with it. Constantly wanting us to…

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