Family Fun: September 2017

The big things in September were: our Savannah trip, My girl’s trip to MNSSHP, and Irma!  In the days leading up to Irma I tried to get the kids outside as much as possible And…

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Hurricane Irma

We live pretty far from the coast and our area tends to get very mild weather when rough patches come through. Usually we’re far enough inland where things dissipate before they reach us! The buzz…

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Savannah Labor Day Trip 2017: Part 2

You can see Part 1 of our trip here! Sunday we kicked things off with another morning of a yummy breakfast!  We went to The Funky Brunch and I can’t recommend it enough! Very affordable,…

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Savannah Labor Day Trip 2017: Part 1

I talked about this a bit in our recent adoption summary post but when we had the rough week of “nos” in early August Zach and I had a long talk and decided to book…

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Britt Monthly Summary: August 2017

Here’s Britt’s summary from August: Britt was sooooo pumped to start kindergarten and especially pumped to go to the same school as Kye! Of course on the 2nd day she got stinking pink eye. Bless.…

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