Family Fun: August 2017

Now that summer has ended I’m shifting back to a monthly family recap. Our lives are just not as exciting during the school year so I can’t really justify a weekly post! The big news…

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Family Photos August 2017

I’m so thankful for Lindsay, from Captured by Colson! We had such a tough time actually getting our family pictures to happen. The first time we were literally racing storms. And the second time Britt…

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Visiting Grandpa and Grammie: August 2017

Back in July I had a surprise call from my dad and step-mom asking when would be a good time for us to come visit! I was so excited as were Zach and the kids…

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Big Daddy is 90!

Last year I thought it was Big Daddy’s 90th and texted Aunt Karen asking about helping host an event for him only to find out he was turning 89 last year ๐Ÿ˜‰ So THIS year…

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Summer Recap 2017: Week 13

The last summer recap!!! I will go back to doing monthly recaps during the school year since, sadly, school means less family fun #lame ๐Ÿ˜‰ We had a more lazy weekend leading up to back…

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