Zach’s 33rd Birthday

This year Zach’s birthday fell on a Monday which happened to be Kye’s and Britt’s first day of school. We decided to do a celebration with his family the day prior…we love having family events…

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Back to School 2017

I’m nottttt one of those moms who gets super excited for back to school. I love summer. I love the kids being at home. I kinda dread having them go back to school. Every year…

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Britt Monthly Summary: July 2017

Britt jokes that her earliest memory as a child was that she cried all the time. Which could be true, whew she wasn’t always the easiest baby or toddler. But the upside is, she continues…

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Summer Recap 2017: Week 12

This is Kye’s and Britt’s last weekly summer recap…Tess lucked out and didn’t start until an entire week after they did! This post covers from Saturday July 29th through Friday August 4th! Saturday was alllll…

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Tessie’s 3rd Birthday

Tess turned 3 on Monday July 31st! I like that we always do her party before her actual birthday as it gets her in the birthday mood ๐Ÿ˜‰ Our birthday tradition is for all the…

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