Britt Monthly Summary: April 2017

We are simply BLOWN AWAY by Britt’s reading! She came home this month with a reward for completing all of her reading books for the school year. It makes me SO excited to watch her…

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Family Fun: April 2017

Here is our month of April! We kicked off the month at Disney and Spring Break…the Saturday at the end of Spring Break was the FSU Spring Game so Z and Kye went down to…

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Easter 2017

Whew! Easter has become quite the holiday around here! I feel like every year we add more activities surrounding the holiday! This year we took a Saturday morning and colored ALL the eggs we’d need for…

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The Rest of Spring Break 2017

We kicked off Spring Break 2017 with our trip to Disney with the big family! We got home Tuesday and I neeeeeeded a super mega chill day Wednesday. I like to having a full day…

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Parker Family Trip 2017: Disney Springs

Y’all know our family has quite the love for Disney Springs! Last year on Family Vaca we missed out on Disney Springs with the cousins because of “face gate” . This time we already planned on…

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