Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: MK Evening

You can see the first part of our MK Day here!  After lunch Tess finally went potty! I had been nervous about her lack of going all morning and made sure she drank a bunch of…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: MK Morning

I realized on this trip that while I LOVE Disney…Magic Kingdom is truly my happiest place. Usually on Disney trips we do Magic Kingdom first so I have always assumed the giddy feeling I get when…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: Animal Kingdom

When we went to Disney with Zach’s family back in 2012 the trip only included MK and DHS (Zach and I actually had our little family skip the DHS day as we’d just went for…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: Down Day

We typically take a trip with Zach’s family during the summer but sometimes we switch it up and go during Spring Break! I was especially pumped for this year’s family trip because DISNEY WORLD!!! Mrs.…

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Britt Monthly Summary: March 2017

The month of March could have easily been called the month of Britt and Mommy time! We had a BUSY month and a LOT of special moments together! All of my kids have LOVED Wacky…

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