Hospital Stay {Day 1}

While in the hospital I took around 800 pictures. Yes. I went a little camera crazy haha! Obviously I went through and edited them down but I’m also splitting up the hospital stay into smaller posts…

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ER Visit

By now you guys probably know that I try to post at least once a day every weekday. If you don’t see a post from me…there’s probably a reason ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here’s one of my rare…

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2 Day Hospital Visit

Brittlynn was born on Tuesday, we left the hospital on Thursday and we had to go back to the hospital for her two day (since leaving the hospital) check up on Saturday. They said we…

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Hosptal Stay {Part 3}

Day three started off wonderful of my hospital stay! I told each nurse that came in that we were planning to leave around 3 that afternoon so I wanted to do all my discharge stuff…

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Hospital Stay {Part 2}

At around 11 (right about when Mr. Rusty and the grandmothers came to visit!) I was finally ready to “start the day” and felt SO much better to be clean!!! We had Brittlynn stay in…

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