Summary of Month 7

Here’s some of the changes Kye’s gone through this month! Jumperoo: I love having toys that grow with my child! Kye started out loving to look up at the birds on the jumperoo and now…

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Summary of Month 6

This month has been a big one for our little boy! Lots of changes and tons of growth…he’s gone from a baby to a little man ๐Ÿ™‚ Newest Sound It seems like every month Kye…

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Summary of Month Four

Obviously, I’ve stopped the weekly Kye updates as changes have been less often I feel it can be summed up once a month in one LONG post! So here goes nothing! Here are the changes…

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Week 15 Summary

Kye’s Changes This Week: 4 Hour Schedule: This is very exciting! Babywise suggests that by the time a baby is 4 months old they should be on the four hour schedule (eating at 7, 11,…

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Week 12 Summary

Week Change Ok, so I’m an idiot. But I also think this whole age thing is confusing as crap! When we are born we are in our 1st year but then we turn 1 year…

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