28 Weeks Pregnant and Gluclose Test

THIRD TRIMESTER PEOPLE!!! Baby Growth: Leo is weighing 2 and 1/4 pounds (about as much as a large eggplant or chinese cabbage). He or she is measuring 14.8 inches from head to foot! The kids and…

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26 Week OBGYN Visit – Birth Plan

This morning I had Leo’s 26 week OB visit. It’s the last of my regular visits! Next week I go back for the glucose test and then will be going every two weeks until he…

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Leo’s 4D Ultrasound!

This evening we had Leo’s 4D ultrasound! I really debated about when to schedule this one…for Kye’s we did it at around 27 weeks and Britt’s was around 29 weeks. I didn’t like how Britt’s…

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25 Weeks Pregnant

Warning: This is probably going to be one of the most “TMI” filled post I’ve written yet (although if you’ve read either of my birth stories then this won’t be that bad!). Baby Growth: Leo is 13.5…

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22 Week OBGYN Visit

Just got home from my 22 week check-up! Since this was just a heartbeat quick check I decided to bring Britt along. I wanted her to get to hear her baby brother or sister ๐Ÿ™‚…

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