Christmas Family Pics

I’ve always wanted to get professional pictures taken at the holidays to use for our Christmas cards but it’s just never made sense to spend the money at such an already expensive time of the…

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Newborn Photos ~ Family

I love working with a personal photographer over a studio…the options are endless and we aren’t stuck in some stuffy room doing the same lame poses over and over! These images are from the family…

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Newborn Photos ~ Siblings

While getting pictures of Brittlynn alone was important, I was excited for pictures of Kye with his little sister too ๐Ÿ™‚ I love sweet sibling pictures and if Kye is anything, he is a sweet…

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Newborn Photos ~ Brittlynn

On Saturday, December 17th we had Brittlynn’s newborn photo shoot. She was 11 days old. I would have liked to have waited a little bit longer since newborns change so much so quickly, but I…

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Kye’s 2 Year Professional Pictures

Now that Kye is two we stop with the every-three-months photo shoots (Zach is PUMPED about that!). How often do all of you do photo shoots of your children? I’m thinking one per year around…

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