4 Months Old!

As Kye enters his 5th month I like to look at where he is in comparision to What To Expect The First Year discusses is the “norm” for a child his age. Kye is on…

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Three Months Old!

The big three month marker…which means I’ve made it halfway to my goal of nursing for 6 months! I can’t imagine being ready to stop it now that I’ve finally gotten the hang of it…

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Two Months Old

As mentioned before, I don’t take a lot of stock in the “what your baby should be able to do” things, but I like to review them each month and see how Kye is progressing.…

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One Month Old

Kye turned one month old on Saturday! Most people would say “I can’t believe it’s already been a month.” But for Zach and I we can’t believe it’s ONLY been a month! It feels like…

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