Britt is 17 Months Old!
Britt turned 17 Months old on May 6th! According to What to Expect The Toddler Years here is a summary of where she is in her development compared to other kids her age! Britt is able…
View PostBritt turned 17 Months old on May 6th! According to What to Expect The Toddler Years here is a summary of where she is in her development compared to other kids her age! Britt is able…
View PostBrittlynn turned 16 months old on April 6th. I truly look at her now and see a TODDLER instead of a baby! I think her being potty trained really makes her SO much more “grown…
View PostBritt turned 15 months old on March 6th! When I’ve gone through my own childhood pictures this one of me standing in the kitchen has become a favorite of mine! Now that Britt is…
View PostBrittlynn turned 14 months old on Feb 6th! Here is where she’s at compared to other toddlers her age according to What to Expect the Toddler Years! This month I used random cute pictures…
View PostBritt turned 13 months old on Jan 6th! Since I’m done with the monthly sticker thing (is it wrong of me to say I’m GLAD to be done with them? Love the end product of…
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