Sedgley Family Visit

Many of you know I have a brother, Brandon, but you probably didn’t know that I also have several half-siblings, from my Dad’s side of the family. Growing up I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with my half-siblings. They are a good bit older than me (my sister, Kori, is the closest to my age and she’s 9 years older!) and none of them ever lived too close to us so we didn’t really grow up together. I actually now live closer to my half-brother, Ryan, than I do most of my family! He and his family live about 45 minutes away from us and we need to do a better job at seeing each other more often.

My niece, Julia, and I stay in touch through facebook and texting. I LOVE that we have grown so close and it’s great to have such a connection with someone from my side of the family 😉 She came to visit with us awhile back and we’ve been meaning to get together again with them. We had to reschedule a couple different times but finally had the whole family up for a cook out at our house. It was great!!! We all talked and caught up and enjoyed the food and fun! Kye was in HEAVEN as the kid loves having parties. He quickly bonded with Anne, my other niece. He called her “Ant” which was too funny. She was so sweet and patient with him. I’m sure he got on her nerves as he wouldn’t leave her alone for a second. He didn’t want her to leave!!!

I’m so, so proud of Julia. She is about to turn 16 and just has such a great head on her shoulders (even if it’s the big Sedgley head that we all seem to have inherited right Julia? haha). She’s SO sweet and smart and has that natural way of connecting with people. I am super pumped to see what her future has in store for her. I know she’s going to be MEGA successful in whatever area she decides to pursue. I enjoyed getting to talk with her and to get to know Joy, Ryan’s wife, better too. We share many of the same parenting views and it was nice to hear some tips from her since she has older kids than I do! I think it’s very important to look for older kids that you hope your children will one day be like then ask their parents for tips on how they raised them. Julia and Anne are both great girls and I am proud to be their aunt 😉

Yes, she’s only 10 and already taller than me haha

Kye didn’t even want “Ant” to have a picture without him 😉

I’m super thankful to Julia for reaching out like she has towards me over the years. It means SO much to me to be connected with some of the Sedgley clan. It’s neat to find things that we have in common and realize that it’s through our same heritage that those traits are passed down. I don’t get to be around people that are related to me all that often (since Valdosta is PARKER country haha) and I enjoyed it very much! It’s tough to make time for people when life gets so busy. I’m thankful they were able to come visit with us and hope we are able to see more of each other soon!!!

Emily Parker


  1. Rachael_Copponex
    August 23, 2012 / 2:39 am

    A decent number of times 😉

  2. Emily's Niece
    November 1, 2012 / 1:52 pm

    Thanks Aunt Emily! Love you too!

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