Back in 2014 we got SUPER EXCITED because it was supposed to snow. The kids didn’t have school, we had all sorts of snow activities planned. We were PUMPED. And then super, mega disappointed when the snow didn’t really happen (you can see the fun activities we did instead here).
When we heard that we might get snow again, we didn’t get our hopes up. I legit didn’t get even a tiny bit excited or anything. It was Jan 3rd so the kids already didn’t have school and Zach did end up staying home from work because a lot of local businesses and roads were closed due to the ice conditions.
All y’all know we live in SOUTH Georgia. Like as far South as you can go and not hit Florida. This area hasn’t seen snow in over 20 years. Well before the days when I lived here and so long ago that I don’t think Zach even remembers it happening.
Expectations were low, which made the excitement that much more awesome when it ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
What was so crazy is that it didn’t snow during the night. So we woke up to green grass and got to see the snow come down as the day went on. We were freaking out. (Go ahead northerners and laugh at us!)
Yes. THIS had us mega super pumped haha
It started coming down more so we let the kids go ahead and get bundled up in whatever warm clothes we could actually find!
Here’s a video of Tess’s first time ever seeing snow!
(Kye and Britt saw it for the first time on our ski trip)
Gathering up on the slide…so the kids had to test it out to see if it made them slide faster.
Here’s a video of Kye’s turn and Tess’s turn!
Snowballs had to happen 😉
First snowball fights…and duh Daddy had to get attacked 😉
Eating snow is my FAVORITE thing and I loved how excited the kids were about it. SO much JOY!
It was a time in my life where I truly had to keep reminding myself it was REALLY HAPPENING!
Tess’s outfit is my fav…I bought it at a kids sale and all my friends teased me for buying it. Because why buy a snow suit when you live in South Georgia?
Those ski bibs though haha bless his ankles!
Eating it all up 😉
Tess sometimes totally amazes us. She has never seen snow. We never talk about snow. It’s just not something we EVER deal with or discuss or anything. So how in the WORLD did she know what a snow angel was?!?! Without any of us telling her she just laid down on the ground and said she was making a snow angel!
Snow everywhere!!!
SO CRAZY to see this as our weather prediction!!!
We saw that we were supposed to get more and it was supposed to stick for a bit so we took a break to get some hot chocolate, watch a movie together, and feed Spear so it’d have a chance to really come down and pile up and then we could all go out and play as a family!
I seriously could not stop smiling during our snow day! Zach said I looked like I was at Disney World…I was just in AWE that it was actually happening and real and loved knowing this was a super special day that the kids will ALWAYS remember!
I had several people ask about my hat…I got it from Amazon (link here!)
Dad and Audrey happened to get Spear a winter outfit that was PERFECT for his first snow day!
Rockin’ his L.L. Bean 😉
My snow babies!
Proof that he will sleep anywhere 😉
So epic!
Britt was eager to make a snow angel and we made it happen!
And Tess went for try 2 since her first one wasn’t quite enough snow 😉
Even Kye joined in!
My angel!
It was important to me to fully embrace and enjoy this moment. There is a REAL chance that this will NEVER happen again. So I put down the camera and the phone and just PLAYED my heart OUT! We had a massive snowball fight and so much fun and laughter and it was just a blast!
We got a decent bit!
Of course we had to have a snowman…and of course Zach made an awesome one because he’s Zach and is good at everything!
Sweet boy. I just love seeing him concentrating and having such a great time!
Our snowy home!
Zach and Tess did NOT love the snow too much. Zach is really sensitive to cold (which is ironic b/c most people with MS struggle with heat but, legit, we think Zach is the opposite and cold bothers him more than being super hot) and Tess preferred going in with Daddy rather than staying out and playing with the rest of us. But Kye and Britt were just like I was: in awe and in utter excitement!
I am so glad I have pictures and video to prove this day really happened. Because we woke up with green grass and by the time we ate dinner the grass was green again. It was literally only a few hours and it was awesome and amazing and seemed like a dream come true!
We did have this little patch of snow that clung on for a little bit in our front yard as a reminder that it really happened 😉
While I don’t wish we lived somewhere that has snow on the ground for all of winter, it was SO FUN for our one special day!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025