I love the location of our neighborhood. It’s a perfect blend of feeling like you’re in the country but still being close to the important things like gas stations and walmart π I grew up outside of Atlanta and don’t remember ever seeing cotton fields? We have a TON of them around here and it’s one of the things that really turned me into a “southern girl.” I just love the way the cotton looks! It’s so pretty and it’s really awesome to see the changes of the seasons by what crops are being planted in the areas around where we live. Kye LOVES cotton. Every year when it starts to grow he talks about how we need to make sure to go to the cotton field. This year I legit made it to the cotton the day before the ended up clearing the field! Whew! Made it just in time π
Tess was perfectly content the whole time the big kids were choosing their cotton!
The kids get to take a piece of cotton home…and I get to get some pictures π That’s the way our cotton field visits work and it’s a win-win for us all π I brought along a quilt that Zach’s great-grandmother made for him (Zach is mega protective of this thing and gets mad when I take it outside but HELLO using the quilt for photos of our children makes it even more special, am I right?!?!). The first 50 or so pics all looked like this:
The classic Britt photo face!
Then I put on my thinking cap and made some fart sounds with my mouth and said “oh my gosh! who tooted!??!” Yes. Fart noises. And I got THESE:
By far my favorite pictures EVER of Britt. Y’all. This is what my child ALWAYS looks like. She is so beautiful that it knocks me off my feet on a regular basis. She has the most adorable, and sweetest, natural smile. But when you get a camera out you get these WEIRD faces from her. Like her photos remind me of Popeye (yes, the sailor man). I love, love, LOVE these pictures of my sweet babies! Kye and Tess are pretty much always on point in pics, but to get some great ones of Britt? Oh it makes my heart so happy! I immediately got one of these printed and framed in our bedroom and gave them out to the family in frames for Christmas as well π
I was able to get some cotton pics in 2011 as well as last year (2012 I missed the timing!). It’s funny b/c one of my favorite pics of Kye is the one of him in the field in 2011. I guess cotton is my bff for cute pics of my kids π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025