Spear and Mommy Morning at Magic Kingdom (June 2019)
One of my goals for this year is to visit any Disney theme park at least once each month.
I’m halfway through the year and, so far, I’ve met my goal!
In order to make June happen it meant that I needed to visit one of the parks while Zach’s family was visiting.
Since the family wanted to visit Sea World this time around, I had to make some arrangements to get myself to Disney in order to keep up with my goal!
Zach and his dad went golfing so I thought it was a good time to sneak away for my Disney fix 😉
I knew the older kids would want to hang with their cousins and Mrs Charlotte didn’t mind them staying back with her and Courtney and Casey and the other kids while I took Spear to Magic Kingdom for the morning.
I was excited for the chance to have some quality together time with him at my happiest place 🙂
We were in ZERO rush so I followed my now routine of riding the ferry over to Magic Kingdom.
I fed Spear his breakfast on the way (no big donut for him…oatmeal and banana for now!)
Once we got to the park we had time to just explore Main Street a bit.
Something I was just SUPER PUMPED about for our time at MK was to let Spear WALK.
I just think a little toddler walking around the park is super adorable (yet I’m sure super annoying for the other park guests – sorry y’all!)
I pulled his stroller over to the side, out of the way, and let him walk a little bit.
He was in HEAVEN!
And it was just such a cute moment hearing the song “walking right down the middle of Main Street USA” and seeing my precious boy so happy to be walking!
We ran into some friends on Main Street and one was actually the same friend the big kids and I made last time we went solo!
Castle pics are a MUST
I should have waited and gotten closer to the castle because I’m short and Spear is TINY so the actual castle wasn’t
We passed by a WEDDING in the HUB. What to the what?!!? I didn’t know this was a “thing”
I saw on the app that Stitch meet-and-greet opened at 9:15.
I debated if we should hop on a ride or just hang out to be the first to meet him and I went with option b.
I figured if we rode something we chanced NOT being first in line and
So we just hung out for awhile and got nice and sweaty 😉
Y’all know I’m not used to the whole “wild child” life situation.
Kye was NOT that kind of boy but Spear IS. Totally and completely.
If he sees something he’s clearly not supposed to go towards – that’s where he’s heading!
Had to stop by the Purple Wall, duh.
Once Stitch’s line opened up we were the first ones inside and the first to meet him for the day!
Spear hasn’t seen stitch since November so I wasn’t sure how he’d react.
Toddlers typically go through a phase of being easily scared and more cautious. Not Spear! He remembered his favorite buddy right away!
The video of his meeting with Stitch should autoplay in this post but if not you can few the video here!
Picture overload and I’m zero percent apologizing for it 😉
Stitch is still holding down that favorite spot although after the rest of our morning he may have some competition 😉
He didn’t want to leave him!
I was thankful we were located so close to People Mover and that there was no line.
It was a smooth transition for him to distract him from leaving his favorite!
He sat solo like such a big boy and it was HILARIOUS watching him when we went through the dark portions of the ride.
When we’d come back to the light his eyes were SO BIG haha!
We also got to see a sneak peak of the Tron ride!
After People Mover we used the Fastpass I’d booked for Dumbo!
Dumbo really is just SUCH A CLASSIC. It brings me so much joy especially riding with my little guy.
I do always wish it was covered though. Whew that sun is always so bright!
One of my favorite pictures of Spear is from his last visit to Dumbo so I think this will be “his spot” where I try to get pictures of him through the years!
Spear is obsessed with wheels and strollers and ALWAYS runs up to random people’s strollers and tries to mess with them.
After Dumbo it was right at 10 am which is when Donald, Goofy, Daisy and USUALLY Minnie do meet and greets at Pete’s Silly Sideshow.
I figured we’d head over there and check it out.
Minnie is currently meeting guests with Mickey so for now Pluto is filling in her spot.
NO ONE was in line for Daisy and Pluto. So I was tempted to go that path
I know often Disney does special little things on birthdays and celebrations so I thought it’d be SO COOL to get a little special Donald something for Britt since he’s her absolute FAVORITE.
Sadly Donald wasn’t all that happy, even with it being his birthday and all.
And they didn’t hand out anything.
But Spear was ADORABLE when meeting Goofy! SO. CUTE.
I literally can’t handle it. He was TALKING NON STOP to Goofy. I kinda feel like Goofy outshined Stitch a bit, right?!?! It’s a def toss up! Here’s a video of the adorableness 😉
You know Mama had to jump in too 🙂
He was not nearly as interested in Donald. Maybe he knows that Britt already claims Donald as HERS 😉
But it was fine because Donald was also not into him. I guess it was his birthday so he could be grumpy if he wanted!
Usually though meeting characters first thing in the day is the time to get them at their BEST.
When we got done Daisy and Pluto still didn’t have much of a wait so I went to go through their line but the cast member wouldn’t allow the stroller through.
Kinda annoying since I’d JUST taken the stroller through for Goofy and Donald with no issues.
No way was I HOLDING my squirmy toddler in that line so we just moved on!
I had this cute vision of Spear eating his very first Mickey ice cream treat and getting all these adorable pictures of him enjoying it.
The reality?
Spear does NOT like ice cream or cold stuff or really treats much at all.
He couldn’t figure out how to even eat it and I tried to help him but it started melting.
So you know. A mom has to do what a mom has to do…I grubbed that thing DOWN myself ;). No regrets!
Again, I just wanted to soak in the time together and let him explore and walk around. I knew he’d LOVE it and I was right.
He was just so happy to have a bit of freedom to GO 🙂
I had a Fastpass for Jungle Cruise but knew I want to go by Guest Services for a few things and I really didn’t want to be getting back crazy late and felt like the vibe was good for us to go ahead and head out.
We got
They said I had to go to the gift shop at Space Mountain to get it made and recommended going RIGHT THEN if it’s something I really want to have because the bricks are for a limited time and may even sell out.
I did NOT want to walk all the way back buttttt my desire for the brick won out 🙂
At least we got to pick up some Sorcerer cards on the way for Kye and got to watch the parade a bit!
I have had several Disney Dreams over the years and it seems like Disney keeps ROBBING them from me.
My first was to get to be the family who opened the park at Magic Kingdom.
They USED to have a park opening ceremony where a family would be chosen to help open the park and would be presented alongside the Mayor of Main Street and TONS of characters.
It was my absolute favorite moment at Disney World. I cried every morning during that show.
And then they changed it and made it into a stage show at the castle and NO FAMILY helps. UGH.
Another dream I’ve had is to own a personalized brick at Magic Kingdom.
It’s been an ongoing joke between Zach and
Recently Disney announced they will be removing the personalized bricks outside of Magic Kingdom. BOO.
For a limited time they are offering personalized bricks to guests. Those who own a brick already are able to get a take-home version for only $10!
If you’re wanting one head over to the gift shop at Space Mountain QUICK. Supposedly they are also available at Disney Springs but I’m not 100% sure as to where.
I am SO THANKFUL Spear is SO easy going. The whole adventure added over an hour to our time at the park and he was so chill about it.
I didn’t realize when you got the brick made that you had to WAIT for it to be made. They don’t ship.
So we chilled and Spear ate his lunch while we waited. At least it was in the nice AC 🙂
I am IN LOVE with how it turned out! They also have ornaments of the same design so I got one of those too.
(Yes I laid that junk down on top of someones actual brick haha it makes it official right?)
We rode the ferry that morning so we hit up the monorail on the way back and it had a long, long delay (like 30 min).
Y’all. The monorails are breaking down ON THE REGULAR. I’m so over it!
Spear flirted like crazy with this girl and kept giving her his stickers. It was so cute and he did AMAZING being so patient!
And then on the LONG, HOT walk to the car he totally fell asleep. My little angel 🙂
It was a really fun morning!
Kye, Britt
I love that he’s had the opportunity to love Disney from the very beginning and I loved our special time together just the two of us at my happiest place!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025