Spear turned 10 months old on October 1st! I use What to Expect the First Year to see where he’s at in his milestones and development and I purchased his monthly stickers here 🙂
Whew the pics this month y’all were SO HARD. I tried my best solo and ended up having to redo them to get Zach to help me and they still aren’t so great. But what can you do with a WILD CHILD!
At 10 months old Spear is doing everything a baby his age should be able to do including:
- stand holding on to someone or something
- pull up to standing from sitting
- object if you try to take a toy away
- say “mama” or “dada” indiscriminately
- play “peekaboo”
- exchange back and forth gestures
He can almost do everything a 10 month old will probably be able to do including:
- Get into sitting position from stomach
- pick up a tiny object (food!) with any part of thumb or finger
- understand “no” but not always obey it
He does not yet:
- cruise (walk holding onto furniture)
- wave bye-bye or clap (he moves his hands and brings them together but no intentional clapping and no waving bye either)
Spear is not yet doing any of the things that a baby his age may possibly be able to do:
- stand alone momentarily
- say “dada” or “mama” discriminately
- point to something to get needs met
He is doing a few things that a 10 month old may even be able to do:
- indicate wants in ways other than crying (he says “mmmm” for more)
- play ball (roll a ball back to you)
- drink from a cup independently
- pick up tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger
- say one word other than “dada” or “mama” (he also says “baba”)
He is not yet:
- stand alone well
- use immature margining (gibberish that sounds as if baby is talking in a made up language)
- respond to a one step command with gestures
- walk well
You can compare with his siblings at 10 months old here (spoiler alert…it turns out the 10th month is just THE hardest baby picture taking month!):
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