Spear’s 12 month well visit was on December 14th. It was when all the kids were in school which was SO NICE. Just Zach and I were at the appointment and were really able to give him our full attention.
Our pediatrician switched to a new office building and it’s super nice! We really should switch to a new pediatrician as our current one doesn’t take our insurance anymore so it’s a huge pain to file it and all BUT with Kye’s leg/back stuff I just feel like we need to stay put for a bit as I like the same eyes seeing him to compare things for awhile!
Spear randomly had a black eye at this visit so that was a bit awkward ha! We have NO CLUE how he got it. He’s so stinking tough y’all. He never cries when he gets hurt so there is just no way to know what he may have bumped into.
I didn’t have any questions or concerns this visit. I know, that’s crazy for me but I feel like at this stage in the game we’re in a good groove. He didn’t have any issues weaning from bottles to cups or formula/breastmilk to whole milk. He’s eating great. Pooping great. Hitting all his milestones. We’re just in a great place with nothing we’re worrying about right now!
We saw the legit doctor (usually we see a PA) and he went over Spear’s stats: 30.5 inches long (50-75th percentile), 21 lbs (50th percentile), and 18 inches head circumference (25th percentile).
At 9 months he was: 28.75 inches long (25th percentile), 19.7 lbs (50th percentile) and his head was 17.5 (23rd percentile)
Comparing his stats to his siblings at 12 months:
Tess: 29.75 inches long (75th percentile), 18.5 lbs (10th percentile) and has a head circumference of 17.5 inches (25th percentile).
Britt: 19.5 lbs and (25th percentile), 29.75 inches log (75th percentile) and head was 17 1/8th inches circumference (10th percentile).
Kye: 24 lbs (75th percentile), 30.12 inches long (75th percentile) and his head was 18.75 inches.
He then checked Spear out and said we couldn’t do his shots that day because…he had BRONCHITIS. Y’all. He literally had been acting totally and completely FINE. No fever what-so-ever. Only a bit of clear runny nose!
They gave us medicine (his first time on an antibiotic) and told us to come back in a couple weeks for his shots once he was feeling better. Thankfully it fell over Christmas break and Zach was able to just run him up for the shots. Of course when he took him up there they were out of one of the shots so now he has to go back again. Whew.
When Daddy took him back for his shots they totally twinned it up 🙂 Zach loves matching with our kids too…it’s not just me!
Zach said he did great for his shots and I’m thankful he was able to get his second dose of flu shot and will feel better once he’s able to finish up his shots later this month too!
I never take it for granted how healthy Spear is and how perfectly he’s developing. Mama E took such great care of him in the womb and I’m honored that Zach and I have been able to continue that with him outside of the womb too!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025