Spear’s 2nd Birthday Party!
Last year for Spear’s first birthday party we had the party on his actual birthday, December 1st.
It all worked out fine but we had all of our Christmas decorations out AND had to rush home from a week at Disney to then be busy, busy with party stuff.
This year we decided to bump the party up a bit. We had his birthday party on the Saturday before Thanksgiving – Saturday Nov 23rd.
We waited to do our Christmas decorating until after the party and headed to Disney a couple days after the event as well.
It was SO much better for my stress levels and enjoyment ability both for the party and for our Disney trip!
I struggled a bit with a theme for his party.
It’s been tough with his speech delay to feel like I REALLY know the things that Spear LOVES so I decided to go with a theme we’ve never done before and one that we totally have to use at some point with Spear…
“Fear the Spear” I mean it had to happen!
You can see all the details of the party decorations, food, and activities here!
It was a very chill set up and a very chill party.
Everyone came, everyone ate, everyone hung out, everyone had a good time!
I believe in keeping things well paced at a birthday party. Party started at 3:30 and by 4:30 we’d wrapped up all the party festivities.
I LOVE that it was SUCH great weather and that everyone could just enjoy being outside and that no one felt rushed to leave.
I want our home to be a place where people are comfortable and can gather and everyone there was close enough to us to understand that I was down for people staying…but was also gonna start that clean up so I could get rolling on Christmas decorating haha!
As the guests arrived everyone got food and enjoyed visiting and catching up!
I was more nervous about the party than I usually am…with our new carpet I was super thankful we could send all the kids outside haha!
The kids all had a blast on the playground and Zach lead part of the group through some football training camp drills.
The participants got pretty into it and all had fun running, catching, tackling and kicking!
The impulse pom-poms purchase I made though totally stole the show!
The group of girls who wanted to cheer were SO INTO IT.
It was super cute seeing Lorelai, who is typically more reserved, really step up and be such a strong leader – the other girls looked to her to guide them and all worked so well together and were SO adorable!
Mrs. Charlotte cracks me up in the background of them cheering – she was super nervous someone would fall off of our stone wall.
It was a very “G-Mama” moment and def why we always know our kids are SO SAFE in her care – she’s more cautious than we are haha!
Spear LOVED his party. I felt bad that there weren’t many toddlers there (thank you Emma for coming!) but he did just fine solo.
He was obsessed with the football cups I bought and was excited to get to carry his around.
His favorite place to be is outside so he loved just. being out there playing and working with his “tools” (if he stays this in love with tools you can bet a construction party will be happening next year!).
He also really loves his new tackle dummy and played with that a lot too! He was just SO HAPPY which made me so happy 😉
Poor Mrs Robyn…always trying to get Spear to snuggle her hahaha
I actually avoided feeding Spear during the party as he doesn’t eat snacks or anything and I knew he could just eat dinner as soon as the party ended.
Since it was his birthday and all I did figure we needed to sing to him and have some cake though 😉
I did cupcakes for the party and since it was so pretty outside and everyone was enjoying the outdoors we just grabbed a cupcake and rolled with it on the porch!
Cool mom status or what? Stripped him down and let him chow down!
We headed in to open gifts but I try to keep that whole chaos situation as smooth as possible…I always let the guests know that there is NO pressure to watch the gift opening and then my rule of thumb is just keep opening.
Go, go, go. Thank along the way. Get it DONE. haha!
I’m basically a super pro at it at this point. Back in the day it was my least favorite part of parties…I just feel so TRAPPED with all the kids hovering over the gifts and trying to “help” and being all over everything.
But now? It doesn’t even phase me one bit. Life with four kids has it’s perks and being adjusted to kids all over you all the time is one of them I guess!
We really appreciate all the sweet and thoughtful gifts for Spear…I especially appreciate the clothes as Spear’s stuff is all Kye’s old stuff that’s a decade old and a lot of it is super out of style at this point. Thanks for catching up his 2009 wardrobe to 2019 😉
Spear was more interested in the gifts than I’d thought he be and it makes me excited for Christmas with him this year!
He has also LOVED his presents more than I remember the others being into them this young!
Spear kept wanting “ice” I think the cooler was his favorite part of the party – he couldn’t get over all the ICE!
I’m so thankful for all of my friendships. So many of them have been such a HUGE part of our journey to Spear and I’m forever grateful for their constant love and support and the bonds they have with him too!
A party is a great excuse for cute pics together, right? 😉
A HUGE thank you to everyone who took the time out of their day to come celebrate our sweet boy with us!
I always like to list out who attended the parties so the kids will have it in their blog books someday 🙂
In attendance we had: Our crew, G-Mama and Big Papa, Courtney, Brad, Colt, Payton, Casey, Aaron, Elizabeth, Ella, Lindsay, Hannah, Eve, Katie, Rachel, Emma, Gabe, Ari, Robyn, Matt, Lorelai, Cooper, Debbie, and Jake.
We are so blessed with so many people who truly pour into and love our children and we never take that for granted!
Our “Fear the Spear” party was a SUCCESS and it’s insane to me to think that we only have a couple more of these parties to host…before we know it Spear will be doing Disney birthdays too and my party days will be over.
And I will cry and be sad and have to come up with new excuses to host events at our house 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025