When we got matched with Mama E and learned that the baby would have to stay in Florida for awhile until we were cleared to cross state lines…one of my very first thoughts was about Disney 😉 #shocker.
I had an annual pass that expired on Christmas Day so I figured IF I ended up having solo time with the baby in Florida that it only made sense to visit Disney World.
Right? I mean hello newborn pics with MICKEY MOUSE? How could I pass that UP?
When we knew that our ICPC stay would be for at least 2 full weeks (due to Spear discharging so early…such a blessing) we planned on Spear and I staying at a resort near Disney.
We had stayed there before and I felt safe there. Plus, near Disney was def a perk 😉
Zach, Mrs. Charlotte and the kids all headed home from our weekend together on
The weather had been SUPER chilly and I wanted to have our time at the parks to be as warm as possible and that day was our best bet for pretty skies and higher temps 🙂
I want to start this off by addressing the obvious: Yes I took my 12 day old baby to Magic Kingdom.
Mama E had both the flu shot and
While I know germs are all over Disney…they are also all over Target. And gas stations. And Chick Fil A.
And all the other places I had no choice but to visit while stuck in Florida.
It is COMMON for families experiencing ICPC stays with their newly adopted newborn baby to go and do things.
It’s so funny because all the adoption groups I’m in this is like no biggie.
They ALL go and do with their new babies. It’s a time to bond and have experiences and what else can you really do? Sit in a hotel for 2 weeks solid?
I also want to say that I didn’t DO Disney with him. Not a single ride. Not even nearly a full day.
We were there for a few hours. Long enough for two feedings for him and that’s it.
My main purpose was to have a special experience with my new son.
It’s my favorite place, my happy place and I wanted to have that quality together time with him.
All of our other kids didn’t visit Disney until ages 2 ½ and none of them have been with JUST one parent on a solo experience. I wanted that with him!
I also was in it for the photo opportunities 😉 Duh.
I got everything ready to go that morning and headed out right after he ate at his 10:00 feeding. I took my time parking and getting into the park. It was a BEAUTIFUL day!!
I thought I had everything but totally had left my baby carrier in the room dangit!
I had planned to baby wear all day but I had my stroller and it lays completely flat so I rolled with it!
Whoop whoop enjoying the perks!
Happiest Place with my boy!
Whew. Coffee was a MUST have for me.
So impressed 😉
Main Street USA! I got him out and carried him and pushed the stroller at the same time.
I’m sure I looked awkward but I had to make sure he truly experienced his first walk down Main Street! Even if he did sleep through it 😉
Enjoying his first parade 😉
The photo pass girl we had for our castle pic was SO pumped about him being there!
She took us over to my favorite spot (the hub area) and we did an entire photo shoot haha she was awesome! She took over 60 pics of us!!!
They all turned out so great! I adore them and know they are photos that will ALWAYS be SO special to me!!!
“If you keep on believing that dream that you wish will come true”
Yes, I brought along the blanket Mema made him just for photos haha!
I never, ever pass up a photo pass photographer! My personal belief is that you can never have too many photos…especially at Disney.
While waiting for this one the couple in front of us got ENGAGED!
It was such a special moment and I tried to grab my phone as fast as I could but I only got this little piece of video.
Still adorable and such a neat moment to be part of! (I got their number and sent the video to them via text!)
More napping. This kid literally slept the BEST at Disney! Maybe it relaxes him like it does me 😉
Feeding on Main Street USA! I loved getting to people watch and it was SO FUN all day having so many people come up and comment about him 🙂
Since I didn’t have any plans for rides for the day…I did book us Fastpasses for some character experiences. My MAIN goal and plan was Mickey. But if we’re there…why not meet a few more?
Tinkerbelle was INFATUATED with him. She LOVED his name and
The cast member literally cried when we were talking about Spear’s story.
Like real tears. It was one of those super magical moments. Just to see Tink’s joy and the CM’s joy over him was so special!
I brought along his On The Night You Were Born book to have the characters sign!
We had a bit of time until our FP for Mickey and since Mickey is right next to Tink I didn’t want to go far.
There was a line for Pluto and I just hopped in it because why not?
Even with a fastpass the wait for Mickey is always pretty decent.
I didn’t mind one bit because it just meant extra snuggle time! I met a SUPER sweet family in line…who just so happened to have 3 bio daughters and adopted their 4th child, their son!
It was neat to hear how much Spear and their son had in common regarding their in utero experiences and it was great for me to see how well this boy was thriving and how well adjusted he was with his family.
They were all so sweet and it was my best line experience of the day just chatting everyone up 🙂
He was smitten with Spear (who can blame him?)
The Newest Mouseketeer!
LOVE his cute socks that Danielle gave him! Mickey liked them too 😉
As I left the meet and greet with Mickey I couldn’t resist a little photo shoot in the gift shop. I’m pretty sure the cast members thought I was nuts but isn’t this so cute?!?!
Can you find the “Hidden Spear”?
It was kinda a “meant to be thing” because I was taking my time in the gift shop when the family from line came in and found me.
One of their daughters had it on her heart to do something sweet for Spear and asked if she could buy him a frame to put his picture with Mickey in! Isn’t that just THE sweetest?!?!
And hello what great parents for taking the time out to do that and to find us! SUCH a moment of inspiration to me. It’s easy to get caught up in the
It was BEYOND thoughtful and we found a frame that matches his room perfectly!
Walking around the park on such a beautiful day was simply perfection!
Another parade!
I had a FP for a princess meet and greet but some time before it so I hopped in another line to meet princesses.
It was the only time during that day where I had someone be kinda rude regarding Spear being at the park.
This lady was like “I just can’t believe you have him here.” Ugh.
It def wasn’t the highlight of my day but whatever! Long lines ain’t no thing with this cutie 🙂
I did decide to just leave the line because it was too long and it was one of those times where it was obvious the line was going to take WAY longer than the wait time that was posted!
But I did use that FP to meet Rapunzel and Tiana!!! Rapunzel was ALL about Spear it was so cute!
She did ask if she could touch his hair which was really sweet!
Tiana just wanted to eat him up too!!!
I thought it was so perfect to have these special signatures in his book!
I took my time and just walked around the park and enjoyed the pretty weather and let him enjoy his nap!
I booked us a reservation at Tony’s as it’s my fav! Our first mother son date!!! I scheduled it so I could feed him while there and it worked out nicely. I was early for the reservation and just fed him in the lobby area (which is beautiful and so comfortable so it was really perfect).
I did have a funny encounter while waiting. This elderly couple sat down next to me.
The woman and I started talking and she told me about her first marriage and how miserable she was and I said “oh well what a blessing that you found happiness now” and she went on to tell me how she told this current husband that he had to move out in January and that his health issues were so annoying and she couldn’t handle it. Um.
I tried to keep my jaw from completely dropping haha!
The trend of the day was Spear getting massive amounts of attention and our lunch was no different!
Staff kept coming over to us to have a peak at him. It was so fun!
One of the few places on property where you can get free bread!
While at dinner I got an email from our lawyer letting me know that the paperwork for our ICPC had been cleared in Florida!
Supposedly Florida takes longer than Georgia so I was SUPER hopeful that we’d get to go home by the end of the week!!!
Hit up that Baby Center to change his diaper (his earlier diaper changes miiiight have just been in the stroller while in lines haha) He had a blowout so that meant outfit change!
Finishing up his bottle that he didn’t quite finish at lunch!
Ready for one last Disney nap!
Had to get one last castle pic…
While we were waiting for our turn for the picture this group of 20 somethings were in front of us and were oohing and awing over Spear and one of them said to me “You are totally my goals for when I grow up”
Um. You are in your 20s. I’m in my EARLY 30s. Am I really a “grown up” in your eyes? I felt so old haha
Monorail ride back to the parking lot!
Had a nice chat with a lady who brings all of her grand daughters to Disney every year. Now that is goals for when I “grow up” 😉
Back at the condo…dreaming of our magical Disney day!
I am SO glad I had that day with Spear. It was so special!
Even just a few hours in
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025