Our original intent on our trip was to go to the BEACH over Spring Break! Buttttt it was just too chilly. So we had literally NO PLANS since our beach day got washed. We saw that Magic Kingdom had another 8 am opening so we made the call to just go back there as a family. Yall know me. I don’t do last minute stuff. And we literally were wearing our beach outfits haha but it ended up being one of THE most magical mornings!!! Sometimes last minute plans are THE BEST!
The sun wasn’t even quite up yet when we arrived. We got there around 7:00 and planned to just give Spear his first bottle of the day at the park. It was warmer that morning (of course) but we still were thankful we didn’t make the beach drive because we knew the water wouldn’t be warm enough to swim!
These guys!
It was crazy when we got into the park. We hadn’t realized that it was a magic morning hour which means that guests staying on property are allowed in the park an hour prior to park opening. But we lucked out and they let us in! They scanned our bands and everything and told us to come through. I’m not sure why?!?! Maybe because we do have a reservation on property within 30 days? Since we were there already we just figured why not try to let ’em scan our bands and see? I mean it can’t hurt! And it really paid off!!! We also didn’t get there until 7:40 so maybe they just let us in because it was so close to 8?
I will go ahead and say I don’t suggest trying this. We tried it again a few weeks later at Animal Kingdom and it did not work and was pretty embarrassing haha so we lucked out this day with it and enjoyed that good fortune!
Our plan for the day (that we created the night prior ha!) was to head straight for Peter Pan. The kids have been requesting to ride it lately and yall it’s just not my favorite. It’s THE slowest load time of any attraction so it always has this crazy long wait for a mega short ride. Over-rated. So I hate to waste a fastpass on it and I equally hate to wait in the dang line for it. Since we were going as a family that morning we figured it was the perfect time to head straight for it and knock it out.
We were even more encouraged when we were allowed in among the extra magic hour guests! We headed straight to Peter Pan and wahhhh it was shut down. With no clue when it’d reopen. I asked a cast member who to speak to about the ride being down and was directed to a manager of sorts. I explained to him that THE only reason we got there so early was to ride Peter Pan. It was our “race at park opening” plan and that I knew if/when it reopened that the line would be crazy long. He gave us fast passes to use for any attraction that day! Score!
This was not some “magical moment.” If a ride is shut down, it ALWAYS pays to ask for a fastpass to return to the ride once it reopens. Especially a situation like ours when we had raced there to ride that specific ride and we had a new baby that I wasn’t about to wait in some hour long line with! It doesn’t hurt to ask and I find being kind and understanding and just showing your natural love of Disney always pays off. Castmembers WANT you to enjoy your day and experience and they truly LOVE to help make that happen however they can!
The kids were very easy going and we all just hoped on It’s a Small World with no wait!
This child yall. He’s SO EASY GOING. I started feeding him his bottle on the monorail. Then fed him some as we WALKED through the park. And finished his bottle on It’s a Small World. He rolled with it!
Happiest Cruise to ever set sail!
He loves, loves, loves It’s a Small World! His little eyes were open so wide and it’s really the perfect attraction for little ones (and honestly even Kye truly enjoys it still!)
Disappointed to find that Peter Pan was still closed.
Our only fastpass of the morning was for Barnstormer…and it was also closed! As was Pirates! Def not the best situation for Magic Kingdom on a Spring Break day with HUGE crowds!!!
Notice the time here…the park had only officially been open for 11 minutes and already had some long wait times. If you aren’t staying on property it is always best to AVOID visiting parks that have the extra magic hour!
Not only had our family been looking forward to a day at the beach but we’d all also been really excited for our favorite beach food spots! We LOVE us some Bagel World and we’d been super pumped for it and were bummed to miss out on it.
So we told the kids we’d have a special treat breakfast at MK! When I went for my solo day I had the most EPIC donut with ice cream and we were all pumped up about getting it!!! Thennnnn I did some research and learned that they no longer make the ice cream donut. Bummer.
Instead the kids got to select whatever special breakfast they wanted. I took the girls to get their choice of donuts and Kye and Zach stayed to get a table and pick up Kye’s choice of treat, a Cheshire Cat Tail.
The Cheshire Cat Tail is a newer treat at Magic Kingdom and can be found at Cheshire Cafe (by the Teacups). It’s sorta like a chocolate danish but with frosting! They were completely sold out when Zach got to the counter and they had to make fresh so they offered to give him TWO of them FOR FREE for his having to wait! SCORE!
So that meant Zach and I got to split one too!!!
The girls opted for HUGE frosted donuts from Jeoffory’s (which is my fav place for a Disney snack b/c they give a discount!) and they had some that were “Frozen” themed! Perfect!!!
As we ate we had a neat special moment! Alice walked right by us and said hey to us! It was AWESOME. It was also really funny b/c I was freaking out waving to her and so excited and Tess was standing beside me and didn’t even notice her haha
The Cheshire Cafe is so close to the area where Merida does her meet and greet. Since we were so close I figured why not just ask what time she would be arriving. Merida is a TOUGH princess to meet. She is there at random times and there is always a crazy long line. We’ve NEVER met her before!
She hadn’t yet appeared for the day and they said it was around 8:30 ish and only one family was waiting so we figured, why not. It was a beautiful spot to wait and was gorgeous weather and nice and shady for Spear so we just hung out for the 10 minutes until we got to meet her!
Merida has THE coolest meet and greet area!!! SO legit!!!
We’ve waited SO LONG for this moment! I felt badly that we didn’t have one of Britt’s letters from her room for Merida to sign but it was such a special moment. Not having planned it and having it be meeting someone who has been on our “bucket list” for so long was just extra special!
Not only was it just a great opportunity, but Merida was also AWESOME. I always say meeting characters as early in the day as possible is truly best because they are just at their most friendly and outgoing!
She told the kids a story about her brothers practicing their bow and arrows and how they are always missing their targets.
It was so awesome b/c if you looked closely throughout her meet and greet area you could find stray arrows!
Here’s a video of her chat with the kids! She was awesome 🙂
I’m trying to do better at taking our TIME at character meet and greets. Yes, people are waiting but I tend to be SO focused on the people waiting behind us that I don’t fully allow the kids to just truly be IN the moment ya know?
We always have group shots with characters and I’m trying to be more mindful to request individuals with a child and a favorite character. This was a special moment for Britt and I want her to have a picture of JUST her with Merida!
I promise Spear could breathe hahahaha
Seriously THE coolest meet and greet area!!! The kids didn’t want to leave and they had coloring pages and crayons too so I wonder if kids are encouraged to hang out a bit? We were surprised Merida wasn’t doing meet and greets on the stage area…we kinda wondered if maybe she usually does? Or if there is more to her section? Like a little show or something?!?!
When we finished up with Merida we headed back over to Fantasyland because we saw that Peter Pan was back up and running!
On our way we happened to walk up alongside the Royal Majesty Makers who were about to begin the little show located at the carousel at the Sword in the Stone.
I’ve never stopped and actually watched the show before but have seen it going on from a distance. We were in a super chill mode and stopped to watch!
Not shockingly…Britt got chosen to be part of the show!!!
The show was super cute. They talked about the Sword in the Stone and it’s magical powers and had two men come up and try to pull it out, with no luck. The whole thing is very silly and cute and lighthearted and fun. Basically it’s your typical magical, well done Disney performance 😉
I recorded Britt’s entire part in the show and Zach took over taking pics! Legit yall this was THE best moment OF HER LIFE thus far. She was BEAMING for DAYS and kept referring to herself as the Hero of Fantasyland 😉 Here’s the full video!
There are like a billion pics and I’m not even gonna apologize about it. I LOVE THEM.
SHE DID IT!!!!!!
Seriously a moment that just gives me ALL THE FEELS.
I cried. And if you didn’t watch the video…then here it is again because Kye is also SO ADORABLE. He was just SO excited for his sister. I love that we are fostering bonds between our kids where they are truly joyful for each other in special moments like these rather than being bitter that they weren’t the ones who were chosen. Seriously awesome moment!!!
Official Hero of Fantasyland
Kye got his business card haha
Our hero!!! To celebrate she headed to Neverland 😉
ALL of the kids LOVED Peter Pan and now it’s on their favorites list which is a bit frustrating for me haha!
I adore seeing them hold hands on their own and have their own conversations together. We’re just so blessed to be raising up babies who share special bonds!
Pro. Dad.
That nap was going greeeeat 😉
We have made a bit of a list of “must haves” when bringing a baby to the parks:
sleep probs (paci/friend)
We headed to Barnstormer for our fast passes and they had to do rider swap because Britt isn’t 7 yet and they won’t let her sit with Kye so Zach can sit with Tess. A bit annoying as it means Zach has to ride twice (which of course Kye takes advantage of ha!) and that means it takes double the time for each girl to ride.
Tess rode first and Britt, Spear and I hung out to wait and see them as they rode. By the time Britt had her turn though Spear was not happy and I had to change it up!
How adorable is this?
This kid LOVES coasters!
Daddy’s girl!
Tess was NOT HAPPY when it was Britt’s turn. See? Even my kids have their share of “Disney Meltdown Moments.” I don’t have much patience for it. I let her know we were moving on and she had to come along.
Britt’s turn with some Daddy time!
There is this entire little area I never have noticed before! If you’re at Barnstormer head to the right and it’s behind the water play area. It’s VERY shaded with some things to do and tons of neat seating and a great place to hang out!
Spear is HOT natured and he got hot in that stroller (we forgot the fan!) so I just got him out and let him cool off a bit and hang out while we waited!
Snacks always are great for passing the time 😉
Snacks and small toys! I ALWAYS have a few small figurines in my bookbag for quick grabbing when kids need entertaining!
My Disney Babies!
We had the goal to be back at the room for Spear’s 11 am bottle. And we did it!
I know people look at us at the parks and assume we stay ALL DAY with our baby but literally he’s never been in a park for longer than a few hours at a time. We go, we have fun, but we keep it SHORT. He only misses one nap and, so far, its all gone very well.
I am nervous for summer heat and how that may affect our ability to go with him as much AND I’m nervous to try anything longer than the couple of hours we’ve managed to do so far. Tess’s birthday will be a Disney birthday. In JULY so I’m a bit anxious there!
On our way out we did stop by Guest Services so I could purchase a Tables in Wonderland card. I’ve never had one before but Zach and I are going to Disney for my birthday/our Christmas/our anniversary trip later in May and we added it up and it made financial sense to purchase one! It’s $150 I think for pass holders and it gives you 20% off your bill at majority of Disney restaurants! It adds up quick when you eat on property!
Heading back!
This sums up their personalities haha
Love my Disney Dad 😉
A fun game we’ve started playing is “who can remember where we park?” The kids legit love it. When we park we tell them the area and row and they like the challenge of trying to remember it!
Something Zach has really, really been wanting to do for awhile now is to go to Fantasia Gardens. It’s a really, really nice putt-putt that is more similar to “legit golf.” He and Kye wanted to check it out and it was really the perfect time to do so! We got back to the room in time to feed Spear at 11. (Kye reviewed our morning while Z made lunch haha) Zach fixed the kids lunches super quick then he and Kye took theirs to go and headed out!
I love both of these videos from their time together: first Kye making that Eagle shot and then Kye doing his best at imitating Zach’s British accent when he recorded Zach taking a shot haha
My Disney Baby!
We got to have some chill time/girl time while the guys golfed!
He did SO Great all morning but was def WORN OUT 😉
When the boys got back I was able to lay out by the pool for a bit which was SO NICE and then when the kids woke up from nap time we all headed to the pool together. While Spear may not have gotten to have his first beach trip, he did get to have his first pool dip!
Thank you random stranger for taking our pic for us! I LOVE this!
We are hardcore about survival swim for our kids and every year I have my younger kids do a few weeks of a “refresher” to make sure they are still good to go with their skills and didn’t lose any of it over the winter.
With a new baby I just couldn’t justify the time and energy it’d take to take Tess in for a refresher…so I was a bit nervous to see how she’d do with her swimming. She was a bit hesitate but then jumped on in with Daddy and was GOOD TO GO. She didn’t lose ANY of her skill set and remembered everything and is such a great swimmer! I’m totally open to doing a refresher if needed but I’m glad I waited to see before scheduling it!
Which is trickier to deal with…4 kids at a Disney theme park or 4 kids in a pool?
FOUR KIDS IN A POOL. Hands DOWN. It’s stressful having eyes on every child every moment especially when one is a brand new baby that you’re having to physically hold and watch nonstop! Whew it’s gonna be a tad stressful this summer haha!
Last summer Tess wore this suit and nicknamed herself “Miss Watermelon” and it was like wearing this suit caused her to have a moment where everything “clicked” with her swimming skills and she became a FISH. We love Misses Watermelon and were SO PUMPED for her return 😉
This girl is all about cool jumps and tricks 😉
It was such a fun family afternoon! No, it wasn’t the beach but it was still a wonderful day!
We ended the night letting the big three all sleep together. Because they begged. And we told them we’d try it…
It lasted less than an hour before we separated them all. Our kids do awesome having “sibling sleep overs” but they FOR SURE require separate sleep spaces! Do your kids handle sleeping in the same bed? Maybe it’s because we have NEVER co-slept haha
Zach and I were pretty pumped for some good food from PANERA. Omg it’s my FAV. And I was SO BUMMED when I got a salad and this was literally all the dressing they gave me. BOOOOO.
At least we watched Always Sunny in Philadelphia, hard to be bitter about salad dressing when I’m busy laughing 😉
Even though the day didn’t go as we’d originally planned it ended up being SO super magical and special and a day we’ll always remember!
Don’t forget to check out our Disney Rental House if you’re looking for a place to stay that’s super close to the Disney Parks and wanting to get a good deal! Also be sure you’re following me on Instagram to keep up with all of our Disney fun!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025