Wanna see the first part of our trip? Be sure to read this post!
While we didn’t hardcore plan our trip this year with lots of details of things to do, we did discuss traditions we love and wanted to be sure to fit in during the week.
Zach has really enjoyed going golfing with Kye and I have loved going outlet shopping with Britt so we decided to keep that going this year and had a “trade off day”
Zach and Kye golfed that morning and Spear, the girls and I had a lazy morning together.
After the toilet debacle the day prior Zach literally wrapped the toilet in CLING WRAP to make sure Spear couldn’t open the lid babahah
The daily meal conversation also revolved around the artwork and the kids were insistent that the artwork were photos and not paintings 😉
We decided to chill for a bit and then go EXPLORE.
We walked the entire condo property to check it all out!
Spear is SO DARING and kept trying to climb over the boardwalk into the pond. Whew this child!
Britt requested a “real bun like gymnasts wear”
I adore having two girls and the bond they share as sisters is priceless!
We could see the condos we used to stay at by another pond area and checked out the pool and tennis courts.
Tess said “Britt you love soccer!” Britt said “That is a tennis court, for tennis” Tess: “same thing!”
She’s def my child 😉
The guys got home right at nap time and we did a swap and the girls and I went SHOPPING!
The past couple of years Britt and I have gone shopping together on our trip and it’s been a super fun outing.
This year she and I discussed it and decided to invite Tess.
I know I’ve already bragged on Britt but I am just SO proud of how well she’s done inviting Tess to things so willingly and happily.
We had to match, duh, and it was HILARIOUS the comments we got.
I’m talking like celebrity status.
Workers literally walked out of their stores to stop and talk to us. One lady even asked to take a picture. So. Funny.
The girls love matching and I totally soak it up and will for as long as I can!
We didn’t do a whole ton of shopping but had a blast doing it!
We went to a great bookstore and I loaded up on several books for the kids for Christmas.
We found some new beach shoes for me as mine are falling apart!
The girls also picked out new school shoes for PE days!
And we hit up my must-visit store: Gap Outlet!
It was FREEZING in the store so I bought the girls each a cute zip hoodie to wear there and later and they’ve used them a ton.
We had a snack and I let the girls each get a new friend too (Serious Black and Hermine)
I was originally hoping to go to some fun beachy restaurant but then I really didn’t want to spend the money and was more eager to get back to Zach in time for us to watch Big Brother together 😉
So we decided to just stop in at Dunkin’ Donuts for DINNER.
I know, coolest mom EVER!
We had SO MUCH FUN on our outing and Britt said it was her highlight of the trip.
I love having babies and am so thankful I have girls! I know these days are just the beginning of the fun outings together in their futures!
The next day was July 3rd (Wednesday) and our last full beach day!
It was great by that point in the trip because we had a great routine and system down and it was much easier once we were in that routine!
Last year we hung out a good bit with a friend of Zach’s from work who happened to stay in the condos beside ours at the time.
His family recommended their condo area for us for this year and we enjoyed spending a lot of time with them this year at the beach!
Britt made quick besties with their daughter and niece and it was nice having friends to visit with but they were also like we are with not being TOO much either. A good balance of visiting and kid chasing and still having that quality time with our individual families.
We had a great morning and everyone played so well and so happily!
Even wild man Spear!
During naps I started book club book on the deck and wish I’d thought to do so sooner in the week! It was SO NICE to lay out with the ocean breeze and I totally fell asleep haha
Zach and Kye played with the Switch and Zach introduced him to one of his favorite treats – coke and peanuts!
After dinner we went back to the beach and I GOT MY BEACH PIC!
We love the evening time at the beach
We played a bit and kept watching to see how far off the storm was.
Of course we made the call (Zach is VERY conservative with stuff like that which I appreciate so, so much!) got everything loaded up to leave and then it cleared up!
So we decided to head to the pool for a bit before bedtime which worked out nicely for Tess as she’d been begging to use the pool!
It was a fun walk and a great surprise for the kids as we told them we were just going to go to bed 😉
The pool was super nice and the water was PERFECT!
It was a great chance to practice Spear’s swim too!
On our walk back I just observed and it was so interesting to watch Britt leading ahead and it made me think about her with the friendships she’s always making and her more interest in those friends than in hanging with the family.
She’s my one that is eager to have new experiences and meet new people!
Then I looked down at Tess as she insisted on holding my hand. She’s less ready to enter the world than Britt and hugs close to her mama.
There are so many pros and cons of both personalities and I love watching each of them grow and develop in their own ways!
We got back and while I got Spear down for the night Zach and Kye created a new game #shocker.
Where Zach tossed the football off the upstairs balcony for the kids to catch in the grass below. It was a big hit for ALL the kids, Zach included 😉
That night Katie came over and we watched Big Brother together and had burritos and hung out!
I love that Katie’s family stays in a condo so close to ours each year and that we always get together over our time at the beach!
The last part of our trip is up next!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025