After our morning fun at the Alligator Farm we all got some much needed rest and relaxation then hit the beach again! I LOVE that we got so much beach time on this trip 🙂 The kids really enjoyed it and by the end of the week we didn’t have any issues with Tess eating sand 😉
Testing out the new boat Zach got the girls…it proved to not be ideal for the ocean 😉
I love how outgoing Britt is. She makes new friends with everyone and wasn’t intimidated at all by a group of girls already playing together!
New boogie board is legit!
We always like to have a “feast night” while at the beach. I made my crock pot cube steak we all love and of course we had our favorite corn and Hawaiian rolls. We are pretty predictable 😉
That night Katie came over to watch Big Brother with us and play Tripoloy (which is basically Michigan Rummy). We had SO MUCH FUN! It was yet another advantage of our new location and staying for a whole week! It was like the old days pre-kids when we’d all hang out and play board games all the time. It was a much needed night of fun for us all!
The next day we planned to just beach it up all day long. We talked about it and thought it’d be fun to do a breakfast date with each kid. First thing in the morning Zach and Britt went on their breakfast date then they came back and switched and Kye and I went on our breakfast date. It was so good to get that quality time with each kid and so often Zach and Kye do things together and Britt and I do things together so we try to switch genders as much as possible!
Kye LOVED the St Augustine map we picked up at Old Town and spent his morning mapping out our directions to get to our restaurant. He really did a good job finding the way and he was my personal GPS 😉 On the way there I did follow the GPS and kinda ignored his suggestions on how to get there but on the way back I knew where to go so I let him tell me the way. It took us a little longer but he did have some great navigation skills and he was so proud that he read the map and was able to direct me home!
No date fun for Tessie! Sad 🙁
I snapped this to show just how close to the beach we were. SO AWESOME! That’s my van in that parking spot so we just left all the beach stuff in the trunk and it made it so easy!
For their date Zach wanted to try out something local. They went to a Wildflower Cafe and LOVED IT! Britt still talks about her special waffle with Daddy 🙂
For our date I didn’t want something local haha I wanted PANERA. Y’all Panera is my JAM. I’ve looked into the cost to open one locally but you have to commit to opening 7 of them. No one has that kinda dough! Thankfully I have heard rumors that we are getting one. I’m totally camping out for the grand opening 😉
I really enjoyed our time together. We talked about Kye’s plans for the future. I am so interested to see what route he takes in life as he is so business minded. He said he has this idea for a restaurant where you just order before you get there so when you arrive your food is already ready. He also has an idea for a place where you are only allowed to eat there if you are on a date and he wants that one to be decorated with Disney stuff. Super romantic right? 😉
We had a couple men sitting near us on a work lunch and I wanted to barf hearing their conversations. Especially when seeing they both had wedding rings on. I’m on this super big kick about our society and the lack of protection within our marriages. Zach and I are really working a lot on our marriage (more on that in the future for sure!) and it just BUGS me that these men had wives at home (or at work or wherever) and they were talking the way they were about other women. Super sad.
Kye was quite the gentleman on our date. He opened the door for me and took my trash and was so sweet and precious. We got several compliments on how sweet he was to his mama. I hope our dates help train him to be a gentleman when he starts dating in the real world too!
The Panera was located in the Publix shopping center and we had to grab a few things to finish out our trip. I let Kye ride in the front seat and he was so pumped and felt like such a big kid 🙂
I didn’t even really need to be there! Kid pushed the cart, got the groceries we needed, and loaded it all at the cash register!
Once we got back from our date and Tess was up from naps it was time for more beach fun! We stayed out until nap time then went back out until dinner!
My easy-going girl was NOT in a mood for pics!
During nap time I snuck in with Kye and took a nap with him. This has become a tradition on our trips and I love those vacation snuggles. I was OUT this time and he was awake and kept playing with my hair and rubbing my arms. PRECIOUS!
Kid can’t get enough of riding the waves!
Kye has started to pose like a “cool dude” which is pretty hilarious
Randomly there were jellyfish out on this day. I don’t think I’ve seen them before at St Augustine? Zach and I lectured Britt big time to stay away from them. Big shocker: she came and told me “I know you said don’t step on the clear things but I did on accident.” Thankfully she wasn’t stung. Maybe she didn’t even really step on it. Who knows with Britt 😉
Can you tell she had gotten a little sunburnt on her part line in her hair? Haha!
These cool dude poses are everything 😉
This looks 100% like a Zach pose!!! My serious boy may have some of his daddy’s silliness after all!
Britt’s favorite game at the beach was “Meow Meow.” This game was where she and I would stand in the ocean and say “meow meow” to each other over and over. We’d also pick up pretend food from the water and feed it to each other. She was ALL about it and asked constantly to play meow meow with me. It was nice to be wanted as Daddy is usually the fun parent 🙂 But I don’t see “meow meow” being his type of game!
We headed up a little early so Zach could get dinner rolling. He took Tess with him and I took the kids to the pool. Since a lot of the mornings had been spent with just Daddy time, it was nice to have some solo Mommy time. We didn’t stay long but I jumped in with the kids (something I don’t typically do) and we played categories with another kid who was there. Britt loved her new googles!
She loves to pick flowers for her mommy 🙂
Katie’s parents were SO sweet to give us a lot of the leftovers from the cookout on the 4th!
My children are CRAZY!
Only one full day left of our awesome week!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025