I always look forward to Megow Family parties. They are always themed, always have yummy food, and are always FUN. Kye constantly asks to go to “Stevie house” and I knew he’d have a blast at her party…even if it was Cinderella themed and even if he was the only boy (other than Titus of course!).
I went over to their house the night before to help Seth and Crissy with finishing touches and it was really fun. They are experts as making these pom-pom ball things so I’m excited to see how they turn out for the shower coming up that Crissy and I are co-hosting!
Delicious “Magic Wand” Prezels
Seriously the YUMMIEST cookies EVER!!!
Cinderella cake that Seth’s mom made!
more pretty decorations
The party was a TRUE Cinderella event – they even had the two little mice!
Kye loved the mice and the balloons 🙂
Neela was dressed as the “bad cat” from the movie
she ended up playing the part pretty well 😉
sweet little Titus even had on a Prince outfit!
friends came dressed for the theme too.
Princess Ellie
Princess Alina
April with her precious girl, Josie
the “guy zone” Zach and Mark
total twins, duh
(I’m showing off my new fav necklace – the Copa
Cinderella came to visit and read Stevie a special story!
Stevie LOVED every minute of her party – I’ve never seen her so happy. Mommy and Daddy did a great job!!!
singing “Happy Birthday”
I tried to dress Kye with the theme too…he was Prince Charming of course 🙂
He was pretty anti-social the whole party because he just wanted to color the castle!!!
we need to get one of those things for real
The party turned out to be a HUGE success. I really enjoy Sunday parties…I could never host one myself with the rush-rush-rush of church that morning and evening but as a parent attending a Sunday party it’s great. They had the party from 4-6 and Kye gets up at 3:30 so we just headed over then left there to go straight to night church. Gave us something to do in the afternoon and didn’t take up our entire Saturday! Ya know? Kye had a GREAT time and Stevie had an AWESOME time and she’s the one that really matters most on her big day! I’m looking forward to the fun times to come for Neela’s and Titus’ birthdays this summer (no pressure guys haha) 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025