Last year we waited a loooooong time to open our stockings and this year we did the same thing! My “plan” for the stockings is to open them after we eat breakfast at Big Daddy’s and before we go to Mom’s to celebrate with her. That way we get to have some type of gift opening tradition among just our little family each year.
We all know our Christmas this year was not “typical” so we just went with it and instead of digging out our stockings from storage we used one Zach won from a men’s retreat for Kye’s and I bought 2 little ones for $1 each at Target. It worked! Our hope is to take a trip to the Dollar Store each year and spend a certain amount on each other and each child and have each child pick out some gifts for us and each other as well. We did actually do that this year! Sure, Valentine’s Day stuff was out but whatever! It was fun being sneaky through the store and not letting the other people see what we had in our buggies and Kye had fun picking out gifts for Mommy and Daddy. Then we came home that afternoon and wrapped it all and opened them up before Kye’s bedtime 🙂
Kye’s HUGE stocking!
I wish I could paste Kye’s face in the first picture into this picture b/c my bra actually isn’t showing here 😉
ready to dig in
Our kid gets the huge stocking and we get mini typical right?
here’s a video of some of the opening “excitement” (along with Zach’s wonderful singing)
Getting this Bible was such a great idea, he LOVES carrying it around with him and “reading” from it
Kye tears off tiny little pieces, so cute
Daddy’s favorite gifts: an onion keeper and mini magnetic flashlights (neither from the dollar store…Mommy may have cheated a bit)
Zach hooked me up with LOTS of candy but we still kept with a Sedgley tradition of getting each person a new toothbrush in their stocking
(I’m wearing the 18″ gold delicate chain necklace with the gold leaf whimsical charm)
last gift for the “Christmas” season (good thing his birthday is around the corner)
wrapping paper face!
a gift for our new home – gray “P” coasters to match our living room
the doggies love presents as much as we do
don’t worry we hooked Zeke up too
Kye insists that the new beds are his
our third puppy
It was SUCH a fun day to be together with my family, picking out gifts, and opening them in our new living room. It made it all feel REAL and it’s exciting! It’s the first official tradition in the new house and I’m looking forward to all the ones to come 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025