Summary of Month 19

I’ve been behind in the past but never anything like this!

I hate that I’m writing this less than a week before he’s due for another post about the summary of month 20.

toddler boy in crib with Paci- text says summer of the 19th month of toddler life.

Oh well, I promise to be 100% back on track soon (you KNOW this out-of-order thing is stressing me hardcore).

First for this month I wanna show a picture (the only picture) of Kye wearing the Jamaica hat we got him.

I envisioned him loving the thing and thought I’d get a bunch of funny pics of him wearing it. Instead he’s scared of the hair and I was lucky to get this one:


In addition to all the words Kye could say last month he has now added the following words:

nite nite (he says this asking to go in his crib), daddy at work, want that, no-no doggie (when he has food he will kinda wave his arm to tell the dogs to go away), cat, golf ball, this, weeee (on the swing especially and down slides), bible (he asks to read the bible all the time as well), kye (he says “kye” whenever he sees himself OR he sees the camera haha), go, daddy go bye-bye (can’t you tell he loves his daddy?), bath, eat, color, help (he says “up” for help)


Let the “picky” eating begin! Kye still enjoys eating, but he’s more selective about things and we’ve had to start a “eat one bite before getting something else” rule.

I don’t believe children should be made to clean their plates.

It’s fine for him not to like something and he doesn’t have to eat it but for now he must at least try it.

So far it’s working out fine (and makes for some funny faces when he struggles to swallow that one bite).

What’s more annoying though is that he knows what he likes and will go into the pantry and get it.

He got both of these snacks then asked to sit in his chair to eat them…how could I say no?

After these pictures he was made to go sit in his chair πŸ˜‰

I thought maybe Kye was old enough to eat at his own little table.

He had done well on his “date” with Stevie so I figured I’d give it a go.

Nope, not ready. He did okay but didn’t actually eat too much and it’s just SO much easier to have him sit at his high chair.

I do think he’s ready for a booster seat though…any recommendations?

Keys and Doors:

Kye has been in love with his toy keys lately and has completely grasped the concept of how keys work and what they do.

He’ll run around the house “locking” doors with his keys.

This quickly graduated into actually turning the locks on our doors…thankfully they easily unlock from the other side!

A “fun” game he plays is where he runs into a room, slams the door, then locks it. Hilarious right?

While in Big Canoe the dreaded day came where he actually learned how to open the door (here’s a video).

It took him a couple more weeks to figure out our knobs but now he can pretty much open them all…boo!!!


Kye is not as into golf as he used to be.

Honestly, I think it’s because we’ve been SO swamped and Zach hasn’t been able to play with him. He really LOVES to play golf with Daddy.

They did go together when I was in Atlanta and had a good time so I think he’ll love it again once he’s exposed to it again!


I’m a big believer in packing toys away.

In Sept I finally got down the last unopened toy from his birthday!

I try to get toys for holidays that he will still enjoy at an older age so that way I can spread out the new toys throughout the year.

He has LOVED getting to play with this truck so it worked out great and this new toy should see us through to Christmas presents.

Here’s a video of him enjoying his truck and playing with Levi (and a bonus video of Levi about to bite Kye’s face off…).


Kye has really been using his imagination more and more.

He will drive his trucks on anything (up your arm, on the handrail of the shopping cart, etc) and he is now at an age where boxes are fun and obstacles courses are a blast (which there are plenty of those around here right now!).

Zach has even made a few tents with him and he seems to love it. We played a lot of hide and seek at Big Canoe too πŸ™‚


As you know, I enjoy seeing people’s concentration faces.

I always remember seeing kids in art class and during tests at school having their tongues sticking out while they concentrated.

It was always so funny to me and now it cracks me up that Kye sticks out that tongue when he’s working that little brain of his!


As mentioned in an earlier post, Kye has now mastered riding his Tonka truck.

He LOVES it and rides it all the time! He has also learned how to pedal himself in the cozy coupe…although he can’t quite go forward yet (here’s a video!).

Doesn’t he look like such a big boy?


Kye can officially give hugs! At night now he’ll hug on us AND give us kisses (my favonly time he’s really cuddly.


Growing up my brother could have eaten cereal at every meal. He lived off the stuff.

Since Kye is doing pretty well-managing silverware I’ve been letting him enjoy some cereal at snack time.

He loves it (here’s a video) and he also likes eating yogurt out of a bowl too (I love this video and his excitement over yogurt)!

yup, he drinks the leftover milk like a pro


When I decided to do Babywise with Kye I tried to think of anything negative that could come from it and the only thing I could come up with is that it is so structured that my children may be hardcore with order and structure (basically ocd).

But ya know what? I’m hardcore with stuff and I like things in order and structured and I’m okay with it so it’s okay if my kids are too πŸ˜‰

And at this point in his life, Kye for real likes his junk a certain way.

You mess up his straight line of cars? He’s not going to be happy.

You make the dog drive the truck instead of the driver? Ugh-oh.

This month he’s been into putting things away and taking them back out. I let him have a shoe box and he carries that around putting his balls in and out of it.

Finger Holding:

I already miss the days of Kye holding onto our hands to walk, it was so sweet and now he’s an independent toddler running off on his own.

He does like to hold our fingers though to guide us places.

When Mrs. Charlotte and Mr. Rusty kept him recently they said that after church he took both of their fingers and guided them to their closet to get them to change out of church clothes then guided them to the back door to take him outside to play.

It’s pretty irresistible when he takes your hand and leads you someplace…I mean how can you say no to that?

Morning Boy:

Kye LOVES his crib. He’s live in his crib if we let him, I’m not kidding.

Now in the mornings he has no interest what-so-ever in getting up for the day. He just wants to stay in his bed and be silly. I think it’s adorable.

Do you know what is even cuter? His sleepy boy hair style πŸ˜‰

Boy Toys:

Lately Kye’s choice in toys have been ALL boy.

He plays with cars and trucks on the reg (and yes, Mr. Rusty managed to hide a tractor in his diaper bag on his way home so he’s allowed to use that too).

His favorite thing to do is to gather up ALL the cars he can and carry them all at once.

Then he goes over to the couch or table or other ledge of some kind and lines them all up.

Then he picks them all up again and carries them all at once (and gets mega frustrated when one falls) to carry them over to the next couch or table or ledge to start it all over again.

Seems pretty lame to me but hey if it keeps him entertained I’m down!

 puzzles pieces now count as toys too πŸ˜‰


On the way to Big Canoe we let Kye watch some of the Disney movies we got and he really enjoyed 101 Dalmatians, especially some part where all the puppies were asleep.

He started saying “shhhh doggie go nite nite” and wanted us all to be quiet.

Since then he’ll say “shhhh” when I tell him Daddy’s at work in the bedroom.

And he’ll also have his toys go nite-nite and tell us to “shhh” then too. Sometimes he’ll do it at church, but we’re still working on that!

Going to Work:

As you saw earlier, Kye now says “Daddy’s at work” and it helps him understand that he can’t play with Daddy b/c he’s busy and that he needs to be quiet when going near the bedroom (it’s TOUGH now with the whole house situation b/c Zach has his office area in the bedroom so he gets easily interrupted).

Naturally we’ve started to play games about Kye being at work too.

I REALLY want to find him a briefcase for Christmas – he carried around this one that has Sadie’s grooming stuff in it but once he figured out how to open it we had to put it away (I mean razors are slightly dangerous right?)


While at Big Canoe I decided I wanted to teach Kye to look at the camera on command.

Good luck right? I started making a crayon my “mustache” and said “CHEESE!!!!” super big with a big grin on my face and he started to copy me.

It was ADORABLE and I had high hopes of it sticking but it hasn’t πŸ™ Oh well at least it was cute for these pictures πŸ™‚

I think he’s got the mustache location a little confused…

prob one of my most favorite Kye pics to date

I’m sure I forgot many of the little things Kye did over that month as it was almost a month ago…so it’s tough!

But I didn’t want to skip it all together b/c I hate the idea of just letting little moments pass by and not trying to remember everything to the best of my abilities ya know?

Emily Parker

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