Summer 2016 Recap Week 12

This is the LAST week of our summer!!! I really enjoy these recaps so I’m sad to see them end 🙁 Just about as sad as I was to see summer end too. It wasn’t the best summer ever but I sure did love having my babies home with me! This week covers Monday Aug 1st (b/c the weekend prior was covered in posts regarding Tess’s party and birthday) through Friday August 5th (as that weekend will be covered in posts about Zach’s birthday!).

We kicked off the week with an early dr visit for me! I had a LOT of bloodwork done. For both the home study (you can read more about what was going on this month in our adoption process here!) and to check some hormone stuff for me. My mom had thyroid issues so it’s always something I’m hardcore about staying on top of. Thankfully all my levels were good! My dr and I did decide for me to start back on birth control. I was on it from high school until we started trying to get pregnant with Kye but I haven’t been back on since then. I just don’t like the idea of putting those hormones in my body, especially with conceiving babies! But now that I’m done with that phase of life I’ve started having BAD breakouts and BAD periods and the dr basically looked at me like I was an idiot for not being on the pill. So we’re giving it a whirl! 

I was pretty slack this summer on my prep for lunches…so I did a day of making breakfast burritos to freeze! 

Last summer we had an ice cream social at our house to end the summer. It was super fun and the kids and I were looking forward to a repeat this summer. We had a LOT of rain this summer and it was stormy leading up to the time of the swim party. I went ahead and made the call about canceling it but told the crew who lives close to us if they wanted to come they def still could. Worse case we could just eat the ice cream and not swim 😉

Sundaes are always a win, no matter the weather 🙂

Playing in the rain!

It drizzled on and off and we did all end up swimming for a bit in-between storms! It was enough to give the kids a taste and I felt like the nicest mom ever for swimming in the rain haha

We did a movie themed day earlier in the summer (The Good Dinosaur…you can see it here) and I had plans for one more before school started back! I told the kids to pick out silly crazy hats to wear and Tess came to me wearing this haha!

We had an Alice in Wonderland themed morning! Had to kick it off with a Mad Hatter Tea Party of course 🙂 

I used some juice for the “tea” 😉

A Very Merry Un-Birthday To You!

Leftover birthday cake served as our party cake for our un-birthdays

Free color sheets are my JAM

Movie time!

It’s a stretch but since a caterpillar is in the movie I thought gummy worms would work as a movie themed snack!

Displayed their pictures as decoration for the movie 🙂

Lunch time! I did a heart cut out to represent the Queen of Hearts, a flower made from pretzel stick and yogurt raisins, a caterpillar made out of green grapes and some rabbit shaped mac and cheese!

Kye’s Open House fell from 2-4 which is a tricky time being in the middle of naps. I put the kids down super early and we went towards the end of the time slot which was nice because I feel like most of the crowd comes early! It was SUCH a different vibe for us visiting the school this year. It’s such a great feeling to be comfortable in your environment. The newness of last year was so intimidating for me. I’m still not extremely comfortable at his school but I’m WAY better than last year for sure! 

Our big 2nd grader! 

(More on Open House will be covered in a future post about his first day!)

After Open House we decided to go out to eat as a family. I wanted to hit up the Peach Shed like we did last year after open house but Zach didn’t wanna deal with the heat and dirt and I didn’t blame him. Kye and I had eaten at Cici’s on a lunch date and were BLOWN AWAY by the change in the menu! We decided to go there and our entire family of 5 ate for $19. Y’all that’s a DEAL!!! 

The big kids had a sleep over in Kye’s room that night! I love that they love spending time together!

For Kye’s final day of summer we hit up CFA for breakfast and to play! 

Then we had Carter and Casey over to swim 🙂 

The toddlers were obsessed with the bucket of golf balls haha

An attempt for a cute end of summer pic was a FAIL

During the last nap time of summer I let Kye have a treat left from Tess’s party and he watched Star Wars 🙂

Tess is so cute! She loves to wake Britt from nap so she can snuggle with her Smyrna in her bed and she loves to hold a picture of her and Carter 🙂

A must do on the last day of summer? Ice-cream in a Bag!

Britt wanted to end summer with sleeping in curlers 🙂

Kye just always amazes me. Child went through his closet and found a random “Devos for Boys” book I got at a kids sale and decided to start reading it every night. Completely on his own! SO proud of this child!

Kye’s first day of school (more ahead in a future post)

Kye’s first day was a Thursday and it was the same day that both Britt and Tess had Open House. Really though it worked out well that they were the same day for Zach’s work schedule. He stayed with the girls and I took Kye to school then the rest of us went to Open House. 

Her hair looks so cute curled!

Open House went GREAT! So thankful I had the right day (I’ve gotten it wrong before haha) and that no babies pitched massive fits (I’ve learned not to go solo!)

I think Tess sensed the change in routine, she was clingy all day but also wanted to hold me AND all her friends at the same time haha

Of course it was DOWNPOUR rain when Kye got off the bus!

The girls’ first day was that following Monday. I wanted to make sure they had a super fun last day of summer and it worked out perfectly because the YMCA has a Friday Frolic on Friday mornings. Since Britt will be in school on Friday’s this year I wanted to let her soak up the gymnastics fun!!! We met up with a friend of mine there whose daughter is one of Britt’s good buddies from her class last year. The girls played and we chatted 😉

My daredevil!

During this morning I noticed just how seriously Britt takes gymnastics. It’s just a freeplay time but Britt was non-stop wanting to try things and do tricks and such. Her friend was less interested in it and that made me think that maybe gymnastics is something we should explore further with Britt. She talks about it constantly and LOVES it. She’s so much like Zach in so many ways that maybe she’d benefit from the outlet sports can give! 

Silly girls always want to copy the bunny pictures!

I’m SO SAD that my big girl will be gone every day!!!

That night we had plans to have some new friends over but their daughter got sick and they had to cancel. I’d already made a crock pot s’mores cake (y’all its incredible…recipe here!) soooooooo we gave the kids some for dessert but Zach and I skipped dinner and pigged out on it instead. I sent a pic to my friend and told her those calories were her fault hahah! Totally worth it though 😉

I’m always so sad to see summer end but the structure and routine of school has it’s advantages as well! 


Emily Parker

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