Tess turned 18 months old on Jan 31st! This is a big deal!
I mean we are 6 months away from being two right?!?!
SO why not celebrate with pictures of my adorable toddler carrying around a plunger
We had some plumbing issues and Tess wanted to help out and she was too cute to stop 😉
As usual I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years for this post!
At 18 months old Tess is able to do all of the things a toddler her age should be able to do including:
- use 3 words
- point to a desired object
She can also do everything that an 18 month old will probably be able to do including:
- run
- use a spoon/fork but not exclusively
- point to 1 body part when asked
Tess can also do all of the things a toddler her age may possibly be able to do including:
- kick a ball forward
- follow a 2-step command without gestures
And she can also do almost all the things an 18 month old may even be able to do including:
- identify 1 picture by naming
I don’t think she’s yet using 50+ words though? Although she’s my only kid that I haven’t been obsessive with writing down every word she says…so she might be there, but I feel like she’s more at 20-30!
You can see Britt’s post here and Kye’s here at the same age!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Hello Emily,
In a few days, I will have an 18 month old on my hands and I just finished reading your blog post about Tess turning 18 months. I just wanted to say thank you for extensively including the words “should be able”, “may be able”`, etc. because as a young, first-time mother myself, I am sometimes reluctant to compare my child to other children in fear of being judged by the other parent. Thank you for your post!
Aw thank you Yvette! So glad the post was helpful 🙂