Here is all about Tess from March!
Tess loved some Wacky Wednesday Fun!
Love seeing her pray 🙂
My lap is always full when I attend Chapel!
Tess’s class sang the ABC’s. It was adorable and Tess was def not feeling it haha but I love the girl at the 30 sec mark haha she was amazing 😉 Here’s the video!
I got to attend Chapel AGAIN with Tess for her Muffins with Mom. She was so cute with her hand over her heart for the pledge!
This time at Chapel (y’all I own that stage haha) I volunteered to compete in a competition. I’m not a super competitive person but this competition was to see which mom could fold the laundry basket of clothes the fastest. Y’all I rocked that junk. WITH both of my kids up there with me. #skills.
I won FIRST PRIZE. Beating out the other three mamas, including Casey 😉
I traded my prize with her b/c I’m a super nice sister like that!
Ready for Muffins with Moms round 2
Tess was over the moon excited about having me there and I loved sitting with her in Circle Time and getting to see what she does each day!
So. Adorable.
We had a snack and got to visit and it was a great time!
Tess will say “SHHH QUIET MOUSE” a lot when everyone is talking at once so now I got to meet Quite Mouse for myself 😉
We got to bring a Show and Tell object with us and I thought it was supposed to be MY choice and like an object about ME. Ha! Most of the others had their kids pick an object. Oops. But mine still worked for us both b/c I brought Mickey Mouse 😉
I loved loved loved our special time together. Tess really LOVES school and it was such a blessing for ME to get to experience a day in her classroom with her. She has such awesome teachers and so many sweet friends in her class!
We also finished out Tess’s swim this month. She really does SO well and is so excited for our pool to warm up!
The girl with the most perfect pony!
She does it for that sucker 😉
This. Sweet strangers. I know a crying toddler is hard to see. But don’t reward it with suckers! The worker giving her the balloon I understood, b/c he was just trying to spread some Publix Cheer, but the sucker was over the top haha
On her last day of swim we did a Mommy and Me lesson so I could make sure I knew how to best work with her in the water. I LOVE having this help b/c Mrs Margie is right there guiding me and telling me exactly how to handle anything that comes up!
TOTAL #momfail this month. The week before we went to Disney Tess woke up with a fever. Like a HIGH one. So I took her in and the walkin clinic said it was nothing. Possibly a virus. Possibly start of strep. So we did amoxicillin (and she was still on it on our trip to Disney). She was FINE at Disney but did have quite a rash from the meds. It was her second time on amoxicillin so I decided she must be allergic b/c both times she had such a reaction.
We get home from Disney and she seemed fine. Then they called me from school to come get her b/c she had a fever. Even with the fever she seemed fine so I didn’t take her in again. She had no other symptoms and the fever was gone by nap time!
Then the next time she was at school (two days later) they called me AGAIN to get her. And this time she had a high temp. Mrs. Charlotte took her in b/c I was with Kye on a field trip and she tested positive for strep! It’s crazy to me that the amoxicillin didn’t knock it out? I don’t know if maybe b/c she’s allergic it didn’t work? The meds they did this time around worked like a charm though and she was feeling better within a couple days! I felt SO BAD for not having taken her in sooner but sometimes sickness is just WEIRD!
Meds REALLY affect Tess (she gets it from her mama!) and she was pretty tough to deal with for awhile!
Kye captured these of me in my “Mommy Face Mode” haha!
I plan to do a post soon to show off Tess’s “Big Girl Room” but it’s been delayed b/c she peeled off half of South America on her wall mural hahaha. The shop I bought the mural from is no longer in existence and it’s been a BEAST to find a replacement South America!
I did get this though! I LOVE the touch of Disney it brings to her room while fitting with her theme so perfectly!
Where’s Tess? Girl loves some hide and seek!
She also LOVES animals!
We love our walks but it’s getting trickier b/c Tess has started to ask to get out of the stroller!!!
Zach leads the Pew Packers on Sunday nights and little Tessie likes to join him up on stage 😉
Smart and sneaky third child 😉
Tess LOVES to jump in and help! No task is too big and she’s always quick to lend a hand and offer a BIG smile about it! She reminds me to have JOY in all things!!!
“Take picture of me!” 😉
She will shop till she drops 😉
I also can see us signing her up for gymnastics if Britt continues with it. She ALWAYS wants to stay with Britt and do gymnastics too!
Tess plays EXTREMELY well independently. I bet she’ll be more of an extroverted introvert like Kye b/c she LIKES her alone time!
She’s in a big counting stage. She counted 13 blocks correctly on her own!
Gotta have a little bit of that 2 year old sass 😉
Tess is my first kid to really obsess about water! Child LOVES to drink water and always asks for some and carries it around with her all the time. Such a great habit I wish I shared!
My cousin sent me these via Facebook…Little Emily and Little Tessie could be twins huh?
I swear this is THE cutest age! Everything she says and does is just so stinking adorable and I remember thinking the same thing of Kye and Britt at this age too! Before kids I used to joke how I wished I could just birth a 3 year old b/c I wasn’t ever a big fan of babies and maybe that’s why I love toddlers so stinking much?
My sweetie!
- Cheering on Tess at Swim
- This is long but I def need it for’s all of Mrs Margie’s instructions for me with swim!
- Tess narrates a lot and it’s so adorable!
- Narrating on our walk
- Trying to keep up with big kids on walk
- Camera shy about counting 😉
- Tess counting
- Swimming, resting then swimming
- Mrs Margie showing me how to help Tess fix lifting her head
- Talking like a lion
- I LOVE how everything happened “yesterday” It’s adorable!
- Tess sat down and football players were on the tv and she pointed to them and said “FLORIDA STATE”
- Singing in bed 🙂
- Building block towers
- Playing dolls and making them go to Disney 😉
Tess really, really idolizes Britt and it’s so adorable that she copies all of Britt’s crazy foot poses whenever we take pics. I love so many of these b/c they really show Tess’s little personality! Love our sweetie!
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024