Tess’s School Summary: Spring 2019
It’s c-razy that my sweet little Tessie is heading off to KINDERGARTEN!!!
I’m. Not. Ready.
It was a sad second half of the school year with Tess with knowing that it was the LAST year her school would be open.
I’m so sad Spear will never get to attend there!

It was sad news but also neat that Tess had the opportunity to be the very last “graduating” class at her preschool.
It made her little graduation ceremony even more special!
Tess did SO great both academically and socially this year in preschool.
Everyone on staff just always said “Tess is SO SWEET”
She did phenomenal on her year-end review and I feel very confident in her abilities going into kindergarten.
Her birthday is July 31st so she’s right on that edge for the cut off and if she’d been a boy we probably would have redshirted her and had her wait another year before kinder.
But I feel really great about our choice to have her go ahead and be the youngest in her class rather than the oldest.
With her review:
Tess knows her first name, last name parents names, and age – she’s still working on her middle name, birthday, address, phone number and school grade
She has mastered complete sentences, expands speaking and vocabulary.
She is doing great with development. She has mastered controlling pencil/crayons, understands left from right.
She mastered all of her ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc).
She also mastered identifying all of her colors, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, and names of seasons.
The only letter sound she’s not quite there on identifying was the “y” sound. She’s mastered all other letter sounds as well as identifying uppercase and lowercase letters.
She’s mastered writing her first and last name and is right handed.
She’s mastered writing all of her capital and lowercase letters. And has mastered complete words and writing complete sentences.
Tess can count to 20 without error and can count in groups from 1-5, 1-10, 1-20.
She has mastered identifying all numbers from 0-20 and the orders of them from 0-20
She has mastered writing all of her numbers from 0-20 but wrote the “7” for both “7” and “17” backwards.
With reading Tess has mastered consonant and vowel blends.
She also reads the following sight words: yellow, green, give, orange, nine, two, black, brown, three, ten, seven, a, and, the, blue, purple, in, for, four, to, red, no, I , six, me, white, my, gray, pink, and one.
She didn’t quite get these sight words: on, either, with, was, are, we
She is an emergent reader meaning she needs frequent prompting when reading.
I am SO proud of Tess this school year!
She did great and had SUCH a fun year!
I have no concerns about her in kindergarten this fall and know she’ll LOVE it.
She’s also not nervous and is so excited to be at the same school as Kye and Britt!
Here are the rest of her artwork pieces from the second half of the year:
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025