The day after we got back from Disney was Tess’s 4th Birthday! Four years ago she entered our lives and has filled them with such joy everyday since! So thankful for this sweet girl and can’t believe she’s FOUR!
Birthday donut time!
Since we had just gotten home to day before from such a big trip, we had a SUPER CHILL day for Tess’s birthday. Which is pretty fitting for our super chill kid 😉 We kinda let her run the day and just hung out at home and kept it simple!
Little People Toys…entertaining to a toddler but still for the 9 year old 😉
Found Ducktails on DVD (so cheap yall!) and it was the perfect rainy day bday thing!
Popcorn and candy at 9 am? SURE!
A birthday surprise from Auntie Katie!
One guess which kid ended up stealing the gift 😉
So thankful the skies cleared up and we were able to SWIM!
For her birthday dinner Daddy picked up her favorite – McDonald’s!
Present Time!
In talking to friends about Tess’s upcoming birthday I really, really love what my friend Val does with her kids. Her kids each give their siblings something of theirs as a birthday gift. They choose something of theirs that they know that sibling with love! I decided to do that this year as a new birthday tradition and it went SO WELL. The kids all LOVED it and kept adding on more gifts and notes and even wrapped them all!
Hilarious from Kye…sweet to one sister while knocking the other one at the same time haha!
Grandpa and Grammie sent her a new karaoke machine and her first $5 for her new wallet that we bought her!
Her reactions were SO CUTE she kept saying “oh my gosh golly!”
I took several videos because it was so cute: one, two and three
All her gifts!
Cake time (and yes she wore pjs all day!)
I did a DQ style ice cream cake for her birthday cake and she loved it (heck, we ALL did!)
Enjoying all the new toys
And of course I couldn’t let the day pass by without playing her birthday song (and having a dance party to it!)
To end her birthday she wanted to have a sibling sleepover in the playroom, so we went for it. But, shocker, each kid ended up asking to go to their own bed by 9ish because they drove each other crazy haha!
Since we went to Disney for her birthday we did NOT have any sort of legit party but still wanted to get together with the family to celebrate. Tess chose CFA which worked out SUPER great! Everyone was able to spread out and visit and take our time and our chaos didn’t cause any issue since it was such a family friendly place 😉
All the cousin BFFS paired up!
Fries for LIFE
Let’s also say…I’m a SEASONED MOM and I KNOW BETTER than to let me kids have DANG RED DRINKS. I let them all have hi-c fruit punch. And I knew better. So when Britt’s huge cup spilt all over Tess’s white shirt and pink shorts…I wasn’t shocked. Was it a huge mess and pain? Yup. But I mean RED FRUIT PUNCH guys. I knew better!!!
It was a fun yet chaotic evening. While we were singing and doing cake Robyn’s crew came in so we were all talking and chatting and cake passing out and just doing all the things and then randomly this person said “Excuse me is this your baby? He’s eating a napkin.” Classic 4th kid.
Robyn was so glad she was there for that epic moment. I’m sure I turned 10 shades of red haha #momfail. Napkins don’t hurt right? 😉 And he was happy about it!
One of Tessie’s favorite gifts was a picture of her and Carter! She LOVED it and put it up in her room right when we got home!
We had such a fun couple of weeks celebrating our new 4 year old! I love my sweet girl and she’ll always be my baby no matter how old she gets (and yes…the fruit punch DID come out! Does that mom win make up for leaving my baby at the table alone? haha)
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025