Tess’s 6 Year Well Visit
Tess had her 6 year well check up on September 10th. I hate that she’s “off schedule” a bit with hers but she loved that she got to skip school that morning and spend time with Spear before he went to school. 🙂
It felt semi-normal at the pediatrician. We still had to wear masks and seating was limited in the waiting room but we did actually wait inside rather than in the car! I was kinda hoping the car waiting thing would stick around longer than it did. Can we swap the masks and just go to the car waiting? I liked that!
Tess did great with her vision and hearing tests. She said she likes the hearing one! Her vision was 20/20. I keep waiting for one of my kids to need glasses (I had to get them in 2nd grade) but none of ’em need ’em yet!
At 6 years old Tess is: 44.5 inches tall (35th percentile) and 41.4 lbs (23rd percentile)
Compared to her 5 year well check: 41.8 inches (50th percentile) and 35 lbs (11th percentile)
She grew roughly 3 inches in one year! The average they look for is around 2 inches so she really did have quite the growth spurt. She also gained 6 lbs which is not worrisome or anything as she’s still in the lower percentage for weight as well.
It’s funny that she grew 3 inches but went DOWN in her percentage for height!
Compared to Britt’s 6 Year Well Check: 46.5 inches tall (75th percentile) and weighs 42.5 lbs (25th percentile)
And Kye’s 6 Year Well Check: 45.5 inches tall and weighed 46 pounds
Zero percent surprised that Tess is the littlest of all three! And also not surprising that Britt was taller than Kye at that age. Pretty sure she’s been consistently taller than Kye at EVERY well check so far.
She won’t have shots again until her 11 year well check which is nice. We did talk a little bit about female body changes with puberty and discussed how typically girls start to develop “buds” roughly 2 years prior to starting their period.
Since I started my period so young (I was 9) there is a good chance the girls could as well (my hunch is leaning more towards that being the case with Tess more-so than Britt) and nowadays they actually will STOP girls who get their periods at younger ages.
Apparently they’ve found links with younger periods and female issues later on in life (ironically I’m struggling with some right now in my mid-30s) and if girls start on the younger end they will use hormones and such to stop it from happening.
I’m just crossing fingers my girls don’t start early because I do NOT want to deal with that decision!!!
Tess and I enjoyed our quality time together at the doctor and we made it extra fun by doing a little Instagram Q&A with Tessie! People sent in questions and she answered them during our wait 🙂 It was super fun to get to know her a little more and a great way to pass the time!
As always, I’m so thankful for my healthy babies. I also love ANY opportunity to spend quality time together and Tess did awesome!
Her Q&A video should automatically play at the top of this post 🙂
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- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025