Tess’s Preschool Graduation
I know I say this every single time one of our kids “graduate” from preschool but Zach and I are just not that into the whole big huge celebration for doing something that literally everyone does.
I don’t get why college graduation isn’t seen as a bigger deal. That is something many people don’t do. I even understand high school graduation as a large ceremony and celebration because it’s such a HUGE milestone and the end of such a big era.
But our kids all have both a graduation from preschool and a graduation from kindergarten and I just don’t really get the “why” behind that.
So our family focuses more on the graduation as a school performance than we do as an achievement.
This preschool graduation was a bit of a bigger deal than the others though as it was actually the LAST graduation at the preschool.
We have been so thankful for our preschool through the years. Kye started there when he was 2.5 years old so we’ve been involved at this same preschool for roughly 8 years.
It breaks my HEART that Spear won’t get to go through the same school – if you’re local hook me UP with some suggestions of local preschool options!
Tessie has been SO excited for her graduation! Girl is READY for summer 🙂
The whole ceremony was adorable! The kids all did GREAT and, of course, my favorite parts were when Tess did the little hand motions and had her little speaking part!
Look at that SMILE!!!
I put together this video of the ceremony – basically it’s the Tessie show 😉
I curled her hair that morning and she looked so cute and SO grown!
Let me also just give myself a little pat on the back for not crying at all 😉 Advantage of having so many kids haha I’m less emotional about this kind of thing – at least until it’s last kid, right?
Ms Cindy was SO sweet and so patient with Tess’s emotional moments 😉
When each child received their diploma (yes, eye
Y’all know the Parkers – Tessie and Carter both graduated and had a whole lot of supporters cheering them on 🙂
Tess and Carter have been together since Day 1 of preschool! They won’t be together again until high school.
Tess is THRILLED to be at school with Kye and Britt next year but I’m sure she’ll miss Carter too!
Zach and I are so proud of our sweet girl!
Out of all of our kids to go through preschool Tess has experienced the biggest growth through her time at school.
Her first year of preschool she wouldn’t even participate. Her review from her teacher was basically blank because Tess wasn’t willing to answer questions.
This year? It seemed like every parent was coming up to us and telling us that their child LOVED Tess and considered her one of their best buddies. All the teachers kept saying they just adore Tess’s outgoing, bubbly personality.
She’s really come out of her shell which it so great to see!
I did NOT buy the cap and gown pictures this year because they were so pricey so I snapped a couple myself 🙂
We headed over for a little celebration after the ceremony and it was nice to mingle with everyone and visit a bit!
We do not do any sort of celebration outside of what the school does for these sort of things. I’m all about a good celebration…but when you have FOUR KIDS you have to be very mindful about what you decide to make a tradition.
Neither Zach or I really value graduation ceremonies at the preschool lever so it’s not something we’ve ever done any sort of celebration or tradition for! The school makes a big enough deal of it all, right? 😉
We always go out to eat as a family on the last day of school as a way to honor all of the kids’ achievements for the year and to welcome summer!
Tess’s Sweet Teachers this Year!
Her teachers were so sweet to give each student a sweet gift basket, including one of their cap and gown photos. How GROWN does this child look!?!?!
Such a cute little photo booth they had set up! Other teachers were commenting about how Tess is always “picture ready” 😉
Tess has LOVED having Carter with her but she’s also been super good buddies with Andrew over the years and we are so glad he’ll be going to elementary school with her next year!
(And yes, she named her boy baby doll after him!)
It’s going to be so crazy next year to not have ANY kids in preschool! All three of the big kids will be in elementary (the ONLY year I’ll EVER have ’em all together) and Spear won’t yet be in school!
So proud of our sweet Tessie and we’ll forever carry Carpenter’s Kids Preschool in our hearts!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025