Every year we take a visit to meet Santa. I LOVE going to Steel’s as they are so relaxed and Santa is always so sweet. This year Santa wouldn’t be able to see us at Steel’s. I went into Santa hunt down mode…what is Christmas without a picture on Santa’s lap, right??? I did not want to do the mall thing. They always rush you and the cheapest photo package is over $20. No thanks!!!
I saw in our church bulletin that there was going to be an event downtown to light the city’s Christmas tree. I thought it’d be fun to go and was hopeful that Santa would make an appearance. It was the night before Thanksgiving which worked out great…we got dressed and headed out a little after 5ish. We parked at the church and walked over to City Hall. And NO ONE was there. I had gotten the dates mixed up haha. It was the Wednesday after Thanksgiving (which makes a lot more sense…). Thankfully Zach was only mildly annoyed…you would think I would have learned my lesson about reading dates correctly after we showed up a day early to Kye’s school open house, huh? I figured we’d still get a couple of pictures in front of the (unlit) tree before heading out!
I really love how Britt’s little outfit came together! I bought the dress at a kid’s sale. It’s actually a top and has matching pants…and is a size 24 months 😉 I figured she could rock it as a dress this year then the full outfit next year! I already had the tights (got on clearance from Carters for $1.99) and the shoes were another kid’s sale find for only $3 🙂 Zach isn’t a big fan of the top…but I think she looked cute!
Kye was making some funky faces!
As usual…she would NOT let go of me…
Since there was no tree lighting we just enjoyed a quick stroll downtown
then headed to Cici’s for dinner!
I hadn’t been to Cici’s in AGES. I forgot how CHEAP it is 🙂
I’m thankful Zach didn’t hold a grudge against me for the whole wrong date thing…we loaded back up the following Wednesday night to go to the REAL tree lighting. Even better I found out in advance that Santa WOULD be there!!! It couldn’t have been more perfect. We got there early and had NO wait to see Santa. The kids got to take their time with him and he was so, so sweet.
Kye told him that he wants a big Lightning McQueen, a big firetruck and a green jumpy thing like G-Mama has. Kye was eager to talk to Santa but was disappointed that his reindeer weren’t with him (I remember he asked the same thing last year!)
I love how it looks like Britt is telling Santa a secret in this one!
My one issue with Santa…he handed my kid candy without asking me first (PET PEEVE!)
It was a cute little gathering. Very “small town” feel to it. Pretty much majority of the people there were from our church so we all visited. A children’s group sang some Christmas songs and the Mayer spoke then he officially lit the town tree!
Haha lovely family pics in front of the tree
Our church had pizza night after the ceremony so we headed there and Britt was in HEAVEN. She laughed and laughed and after we got done eating she had a blast pushing the high chair around the room.
While on my hunt for Santa I heard about a yearly event at St. John’s where they have breakfast with Santa. It started at 8 am on Sat Dec 1st. It was only $5 for me and free for Kye so I thought it’d be a fun thing for the two of us to do together. I wanted Britt to get to come but figured by the time we got there we’d have to just turn around and take her home for nap. It ended up though that she totally could have been there no problem! Kye and I did everything we wanted to do before 8:45! Oh well…I know for next year!!!
It was a LEGIT breakfast. Kye was pumped. He ate all of his and then even some of mine!!!
Attempting not to get syrup all over him
We sat with a super sweet older couple who ended up knowing the Parker’s (as usual). It was nice visiting with them and kinda funny when we got on the topic of Babywise somehow…they just couldn’t get over how well mannered Kye was and how well he talked with them and kept saying their grandchildren were nothing like that haha. He makes me very proud for sure!
There was NO line for Santa and I liked how nicely they had everything set up. He was super friendly but, again, gave out prizes without asking Mommy. It was a goody-bag with like 15 pieces of candy in it!!! Not a fan!
Mrs Claus was there too! I opened my big mouth and said “Kye say hey to Mrs Claus…her job is to keep Santa nice and fat” hahahahaha I just was thinking about the movie and how Santa was too skinny…
The breakfast was great, Santa was wonderful and they even had fun crafts!!!
Magic Reindeer Food to sprinkle on the lawn at G-Mama’s
After the fun their church children’s choir sang Christmas carols and Kye loved watching the show
And at the end they asked any children who wanted to join them in Jingle Bells!
He was SO excited that he got to be in the show!
It was a fun morning just the two of us! After we left we went to ToysRUs and I let Kye pick out his birthday present for Brittlynn. We happened to run into Mrs. Charlotte there so we shopped around with her a little before coming back home 🙂
I truly enjoyed both events and plan to attend them both next year! I’m thankful we were able to see Santa! You can see our past Santa visits here: 2011, 2010, and 2009.
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Gah! I am still kicking myself that I did not hear my phone go off when you texted me! Preston did NOT like Santa this year anyway:) Kye looks a lot like Zach in the first picture, I think. He is such a blend of you two, that it's hard to tell who he looks liek from one photo to the next. Britt's outfit (both of them) are cute! Those outfits with ribbon atttached are really popular lately anyway.
You KNOW I loved Britts outfit, Zach has terrible taste in little girls clothes. Hahahaha. You hear that Zach?!? I actually loved her little green coat more though! Super super cute. The pic of ya'll in front of the tree with Britt screaming is TOTALLY frame worthy. Can I have a copy? Why didn't you use it for your christmas card? Why does she cry so much? What is wrong with her? You probably just spanked her.